Sunday, October 6, 2019

I believe that smile can bridge the gap between people Essay

I believe that smile can bridge the gap between people - Essay Example A smile is a healthy facial expression which displays happiness and I believe that it can function towards bringing people closer together and also in bridging the gap between people. The personal event that comes to my mind with this statement is a fight that I had with a very close friend of mine which lasted for days. The issue would have stayed the same and unresolved had I not let go of my harsh feelings and smiled towards my friend. I have assessed the fact that a person can use his lips to worsen relationships by using a harsh tone and being rude but a smile on these lips can do the opposite and work towards connecting people and bringing them closer together. My personal experience has made my belief stronger that a smile can serve to heal scarred relationships and it can help in forming bonds between people. My patch up with one of my closest friends after a fight gave me a strong impression that a smile can do wonders and can help in solving strained relationships. I was ve ry close to one of my neighbors and we stayed in the same neighborhood for years. She was a very close acquaintance of mine and I never hesitated in sharing my thoughts and opinions with her. We shared a strong bond of friendship and helped each other in difficult times. Not only this, we studied in the same school as young children and this brought us closer. We both knew about each other’s weaknesses and strong points and we supported each other at every point where one of us about to fail. She moved from my neighborhood and we joined different schools as well but we still enjoyed the same level of friendship. But things changed when I had a different circle of friends and so did she. We started spending lesser time together and this lack of communication brought many misunderstandings. It reached a point where we had so many problems with each other that we barely talked. Despite of these issues, I still remembered the good times that I had spent with her and I realized th at she had been a very close aide who had been with me in my times of happiness as well as sorrow. I wished that we would be together again but I did not see the possibility. One day while I was outside in the neighborhood for a walk in the evening, I saw my friend over there as well. She was there to visit her aunt. As soon as we shared looks, I could not help but smile at seeing her after such a long time. She had a very stern expression on her face but after she saw me smiling, she shared the smile and I walked towards her. If I had been like her and ignored her at that time, I do not think that we would ever have been able to get over with our problems. This event totally made me believe that a smile can build relationships and help in correcting strained relationships. A smile is one of the very powerful expressions which can do wonders and help in bridging the gap between people. It is a form of expressing happiness. I believe it is a wonderful way of overcoming problems in re lationships and it can help in bringing together separated friends and family members. It works more than words and presents the welcoming nature of an individual. The personal event of my life strengthened my views with regard to smiling and it taught me the importance of this expression and how it actually works as a healer. If a person cannot express his feelings

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