Friday, October 4, 2019

Activity 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Activity 4 - Essay Example A contrary view may be correct to one individual, but completely incorrect to another individual based on actual case-by-case experiences. Rigidity of thinking likely exists within the disability field because of the particular philosophies that staff members and treating physicians have. Many professionals have a rigid belief about how to handle and properly care for these individuals, and some of the beliefs are based on theories. Instead of concentrating on the needs of the disabled persons, many people concentrate on the philosophy behind treatment and ignore what treatment will actually work. This type of â€Å"blindness† in the field must be eliminated in order to reach out and treat each individual disability and case as opposed to providing a generic â€Å"one size fits all† treatment method that may not be right for everyone. The Moore article described some of the problems that disabled individuals face when they re-enter into the real world. Many of these obstacles involve difficulty finding jobs, a lack of social opportunities and even having little or no control over how their care is arranged and provided. In other words, these individuals can be very powerless in the real world and a prejudice exists within society that attempts to restrict disabled individuals as an outer section so it does not affect the majority of people. These individuals are inappropriately shunned and do not receive the care they need to overcome their disabilities and become successful citizens and individuals. Regardless of staff or professional philosophies and beliefs, the ultimate goal should be to help these individuals to re-enter into society as functional individuals that are able to have control over their own

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