Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Development of Liberalism throught the Ages - 1377 Words

In this paper, an attempt has been made to capture the journey from classical liberalism and its transformation down the ages. The idea of liberalism originated in Europe with the thoughts of political philosophers like J.S. Mill, Herbert Spencer, John Locke. They were of the opinion that state activities can regulate an individual in so far as it aids towards his self expression and individual action. They also said that states were supposed to help economic transaction by controlling the basic norms yet leaving room for individual expression. They had contrary opinions to Marx’s idea of a state where individuals are equal and everybody gets the same benefits. Liberalists are more inclined towards capitalists as they propagate the idea of individuality, individual choices affecting one’s disposition in society. In the works of Nietsze, Foucault, we see the tendency to emphasise on self as the centre of existence. They do not entirely deny state but consider state actio n as an important regulation for self expression. Nietsze also focuses on culture as a means of expressing oneself. However his idea of culture supports the aristocratic perspective where it separates an individual from the masses. Liberalists have been vocal about the idea of laissez-faire or free market. The idea stems from the conception that one needs equality of status before they become diverse as individuals. Hence to abolish innate shortcomings, the market should be opened to all to set aShow MoreRelatedNationalism and Transnationalism in the Context of the European Union28567 Words   |  115 PagesUnion are something that have to do with their rights and duties, with their identity. As the president of the European Commission, Romano Prodi in his speech: The Road to Europe s Future† in Brussels, 7th November 2000 insisted, the further development of the Union has to be based on gradually building a shared feeling of belonging among â€Å"peacefully united Europe em bracing all its diverse peoples.†[8] From the perspective of public opinion, it seems as though the European integration

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