Monday, September 30, 2019

How to Analyze an Advertisement Essay

There’s more to advertising’s message than meets the casual eye. An effective ad, like other forms of communication, works best when it strikes a chord in the needs and desires of the receiving consumer — a connection that can be both intuitive and highly calculated. The following questions can help foster your awareness of this process. You may be surprised by the messages and meanings you uncover. 1. What is the general ambience of the advertisement? What mood does it create? 2. Study the advertisement’s form. Attempt a simple description of what elements it consists of in terms of elements and formal arrangement. 3. What about technical decisions? If the advertisement is a photograph, what kind of a shot is it? What significance do you think long shots, medium shots, close-up shots have? What about the lighting, use of colour, angle of the shot? 4. What typefaces are used and what impressions do they convey? 5. What techniques are used by the copywriter: humour, alliteration, definitions† of life, comparisons, sexual innuendo, and so on? 6. What is the relationship between pictorial elements and written material and what does this tell us? 7. Does the ad essentially provide information or does it try to generate some kind of emotional response? Or both? 8. What action is taking place in the advertisement and what significance does it have? (This might be described as the ad’s â€Å"plot.†) 9. What signs and symbolic codes do we find? Symbolic codes can involve figures e.g. facial expressions, clothing codes etc. What can be said about their facial expressions, poses, hairstyle, age, sex, hair colour, ethnicity, education, occupation, relationships (of one figure to the other)? What role do these symbolic codes play in the ad’s impact? 10. What sociological, political, economic or cultural attitudes are indirectly reflected in the advertisement i.e. does the ad work ideologically?( An advertisement may be about a pair of blue jeans but it might, indirectly, reflect such matters as sexism, alienation, stereotyped thinking, conformism, generational conflict, loneliness, elitism, and so on). 11. How important is the spectator/reader’s own context going to be on his/her understanding of the ad? Who is the presumed reader or public for this ad? Excerpted/adapted from Arthur A. Berger Signs in Contemporary Culture: An Introduction to Semiotics, Longman, White Plains, NY [online]. Available from [accessed 24/04/08] DECODING ADVERTISING IMAGES Ads/images have different levels of meaning: Denotation: what can be seen – the literal, commonsense or ‘natural’ meaning of the ad (first order meaning). Denotation is commonly implied by the use of photography. Connotation: the ‘hidden’ meaning (second order meaning); a range of possible meanings which may depend upon the reader’s knowledge, social background and other factors which influence personal judgement or interpretation. Meaning in an advertising image can be seen as: Syntagmic – the linking process between represented object (signifier) and significance (meaning) is unconscious; Referential – it is understood in terms of structural relationships to other signs. Meaning is made up of a system of differences and oppositions; Ideological – occurring within a wider framework of ideas or way of thinking about social relations; Conventional – socially mediated i.e. is according to accepted ‘rules’ and ‘codes’; Preferred (or dominant meaning) is the meaning that the advertiser (presumably) hopes the image will convey. Stuart Hall, though, notes two other modes of reading ads: negotiated readings and oppositional readings (which subvert the presumed intentional or seeming overt meaning of the advertising image). Connotation There are a number of issues which can be considered when analysing an specific image, factors which can help one to identify the intended connotation of the signs contained within the image, and of the advertisement as a whole. Technical Codes (including): Camera angle – is the implied angle of vision up/down, at an angle, straight on? Camera distance – how far is the implied camera from the subject? Focus – is the image in sharp detail or soft focus? Lighting – what is highlighted or left in the shadows? Information Value: the placement of elements within the whole image is indicative of a relative symbolic meaning. horizontal reading – Left = given, familiar right = new, not yet known vertical reading – upper = promise, emotive lower = Portfolio, actual, information Composition: Salience – the elements of an image attract attention to differing degree according to their position in the whole composition (foreground, background etc.) Framing – the presence or absence of framing devices signifies the connection or separation between the different objects/figures Cropping – is the cropping from a wider image implied? Juxtaposition – have two images been juxtaposed to create a particular effect? Captions: Remember to consider the text in an ad. If an image has no caption it can be considered an ‘open text’ and therefore open to interpretation. Captions generally function as modifiers to ‘anchor’ the primary significance of the image, and to reduce possible ambiguities of meaning in the image. Symbolic Codes: A symbol is a picture/object which stands for something else, where the meaning is widely understood e.g. a dove symbolises peace or the Holy Spirit in western society. Symbols do not necessarily have only one connotation and have to be selected with care by advertisers – it is the image as a whole, the relationship between signs (symbols), which will determine which connotation is intended (a meaning which might be ‘fixed’ by modifiers such as text captions). Body language/non-verbal codes: what is the significance of the figures’ poses or physical posture? what facial expression do the figures have? do the body types (well built, thin, fleshly etc.) connote wider meanings e.g. .stereotypes? Clothing codes: does the clothing connote specific occupations or nationalities? what connotations about class and status does the clothing have? Colour (symbolic value): Does the colour/colour range used suggest a mood e.g. sorrow, gaiety etc.? Does the colour use suggest an abstract meaning e.g. romance, purity etc.? The kinds of colours used – the use of bright, dissonant colours might indicate modernity for instance or a sepia range might signify tradition. Issues which might be activated by use of symbolic code include: Branding – the use of symbolic signs to connote a distinct brand ‘identity’ for a product which in physical composition cannot be differentiated from other examples of the same product e.g. perfume or cigarettes. Celebrity – a meaning structure is created by selling commodities in terms of social (celebrity) identity. The product being sold is ‘given’ the character attributes more usually associated with the celebrity e.g. physical strength, elegance etc.. The consumer buys the product to ‘buy into’ the celebrity’s image (see promise of pleasure principle’). ‘Promise of pleasure’ principle – setting up links between consumption of the product and personal fulfillment or attainment of desired state of being. The consumer is not buying the product itself, but the emotional promise. Commodification – advertising translates statements about objects into statements about human relationships or types of consumer. This implies a denial of individual identity by the translating human beings into objects; Objectification – the use of the part (of the human body) to stand for the whole denies human agency or the wholeness of the individual. This is more often associated with the use of female models. ‘Fragmentation’ of the female body connotes the commodification of female identity; the ‘gaze’ (scopophilia) – where the presumed spectator is gendered male, the notion of the ‘gaze’ connotes unequal power relations between the sexes (inequalities which are presumed to mirror those in wider society); Gender stereotyping- this can relate to ideological expectations as to gender roles and the use of gender stereotypes or sexualisation as a marketing tool; Racial or ethnic stereotyping – this can relate to the exploitation of social ‘difference’ e.g. the ‘other’ (in which one culture is seen as ‘opposed’ to mainstream western characteristics) in a way which reinforces the social stereotype or attracts by the presumption of exoticism; Ideology – objects are used as signifiers within the context of wider signifying systems or ideological contexts e.g. ‘western democracy’/consumerism, and can only be properly understood via a knowledge of this ideological framework. The spectator constructs meaning according to the codes at his/her disposal i.e. meaning is socially mediated and not individualistic; Social identity – the spectator constructs meaning according to the codes as his/her disposal ie the meaning constructed is socially mediated and not purely personal or individual. Context and Audience: Where is the image to be found? You need to consider whether it is/was intended for a magazine, a poster, a street hoarding etc. What is/was the intended public for the image? What impact might identified issues have had upon the design of the image under analysis? When considering a news photograph a number of other questions might be asked – such as the news value of the image itself and the relationship between the image itself and the surrounding text.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Isolationism Vs Internationalism Essay

Isolationism is generally a policy of nonparticipation in the international political and economic relations. It basically combines non-intervention in military policies and economic protectionism. Isolationism is a belief that originated from the United States’ opposition in war intervention, allowing alliances and organizations. On the other hand, internationalism is a call for stronger economic and political cooperation, theoretically for the benefit of the international community. Isolationism The isolationism in US was anchored on the basis of neutrality. Neutrality, in international law is a policy that adheres to the non-engagement in wars. The first doctrine of Neutrality was issued by George Washington. However, this rule of neutrality was viewed with two â€Å"deceptive† assumptions as being neither a judge nor party in conflicts which doesn’t employ biased opinions; and that belligerents do not respect sovereignty of neutral states. However, the role of neutralism broke down at the event of the two world wars, which reflected the changes of interdependence among the states. Aside from economic targets, military targets also covered every nation, thus rejecting the tenets of neutrality at hand. Moreover, World Wars has underpinned isolationism by the end of nineteenth century. America’s isolationism broke down in the twentieth century when they started entering into treaties to strengthen commercial supremacy. The Spanish American War pushed US to acquire alliances and commitments in the Far East and the Caribbean. Following this course, isolationists in the US have started to decline its power and influence, when the US government started supporting their Allies amidst the First World War (Jonas, 1966). After the World War I, US, under the regime of Woodrow Wilson entered the League of Nations. Entry to the League of Nations is a means of entry towards collective security, thus challenging the political position of isolationists. The League served as bridge for international alliance – arbiter for territorial disputes brought by the war, and served as international police to avoid another war breakout. Though the League failed in containing the Second World War and was finally disbanded in 1946, it brought about the birth of United Nations in the international scene. That by 1930s, internationalism has finally reached America, rooted from their goal to contain rising dictatorships in the global arena. The interval between the two world wars developed a sense of â€Å"commitment† among the American government to world law, collective security and a sense of policing the international arena, thus forming internationalism. Rise of Internationalism The Great Depression in America has caused people to be more concerned in reviving the economy. And as if seeing another war performance could bring in dictatorship in US, citizens still favored isolationism. Though, the Depression still has pushed countries particularly US and Britain together to boost their withering economies. The Japanese militarism gave them opportunities to commit aggressions in the South East Asia, uniting with Germany and Italy. Japan also signed a neutrality pact with the USSR to protect its borders. The continuing aggressions of Japanese military and government, and pursuing of certain territories created hostilities between Japan and United States, which led to American oil embargoes. American protectionism in Eastern Asia had caused further friction with Japan. Japanese attack on the Pearl Harbor, marked the end of classic isolationism in US. The simultaneous Japanese attacks against US allies intensified and prompted both sides to form alliances against each other. When US became a member of the United Nations, and the America First Committee was broken up. It followed that US also agreed to engage in the military alliance, North Atlantic Treaty Organization. And in 1950s and 1960s, US intervened in wars against the Koreans and Vietnamese, respectively. The US emergence as superpower after the Second World War, marked the start of internationalism. The war and downfall of France, prompted American president Roosevelt to become more linked towards other countries by sending aids to the Allied powers. US became more and more involved in foreign relations, as they were active participant for the NATO, and they instigated the Marshall Plan. Their efforts to contain the spread of communism has gotten them more indulged in global expansion. (Cole, 1983). The Post World War and the Nazis The effects of the World War 1 prompted the rise of Hitler into power and lead the Nationalist Socialist Party in Germany. This reorganization in the German government was a direct opposition to the rising internationalism trend set by the United States. As the Nazi government has changed their policies from the old Bolshevik ways towards centralization of power and hierarchal constitution. At the brink of 1930s totalitarian control of the state was employed and leadership of the government were attributed to loyal Nazis and pure German bloods. Hitler eliminated all liberal democratic opponents in the government as a policy of his reorganization of the German Society, thus promoting centralization of the State. The effects of Nazism in the international order is employed in the remilitarization of the Rhine Island, formation of the Italo-German Fascist Axis that opposed the US led alliance, intervention into the Spanish Civil War, non aggression pact with the Soviet and the invasion of Poland which resulted in the outbreak of the Second World War. Laws and Treaties Effected in 1926 – 1941 †¢ Versailles Treaty – although the Versailles Treaty was founded in 1919, it was an important benchmark in peace keeping vis-a-vis the grounds for isolationism and internationalism. After the World War I, borders were redrawn and new political ideas were bounded, thus each ethnicity now vying for their own national interests. It brought communism to consolidate powers, and prompted anit-communist countries such as the US to promote containment of such. †¢ Washington Conference of 1921 – a treaty signed towards respect for Pacific possessions and to guarantee and open door and Chinese independence. †¢ Rogers Act of 1924 – this act merged diplomatic and consular services to create Foreign Services. This is viewed as the imperial legacy of 1898 war. †¢ Good Neighborism of 1927 – Hoover and Coolidge sought an end for military interventions. Marines were pulled back, although they were also returned after two years in Nicaragua. †¢ Clark Memo of 1928 – it repudiated â€Å"police power† notion of US doctrines, but still reserved the right for intervention as defense in case of wars. †¢ Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 – this was signed by 64 nations including Japan and Germany. It says: â€Å"to outlaw war as an â€Å"instrument of national policy† but more an â€Å"international kiss† with no means of enforcement †¢ Stimson Doctrine of 1931 – this one abolished the Black Chamber in 1929. it was considered as the high tide of isolationism, though Japan was given no sanctions when it invaded Manchuria. †¢ 1936 Neutrality Pact – forbid US loans to nations at war †¢ 1937 Pittman Resolution – prohibited Americans to travel on ships of belligerent powers †¢ 1939 Neutrality Pact – allowed US vessels to convoy war materials to Britain †¢ 1941 Lend-Lease Act – appropriated $7 billion as aid for the Axis foes Robbins, Bruce. (1999) Feeling global: Inernationalism in Distress. Cole, Wayne S. (1983) America, Roosevelt, and the Isolationists, 1932–1945. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Manfred Jonas. (1966) Isolationism in America, 1935–1941.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Address the three questions in bold Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Address the three questions in bold - Essay Example There are many components to this power distribution, but some of the more visible examples include the research and manufacturing of medical technology, massive pharmaceutical corporations, and the control of medical insurance/management. Some of the forces allowing the privatization of healthcare include historically consistent opposition to government interference and healthcare reform, the decline of programs like Medicare, and the high cost of medicine including materials and salaries that can be met by wealthy corporations. Private businesses have not always been in control of healthcare systems. Physicians were largely independent prior to government interference near the dawn of the 20th century (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2011). Working within regulations, physicians became highly paid and respected professionals in the 1920s (PBS, 2011). At the same time, private insurance began to find an audience due to the increasingly high costs of healthcare. Costs continued to rise through the of the century as more advanced pharmaceuticals and procedures are introduced. Insurance rates increased with these expenses, giving rise to federally endorsed HMOs (health maintenance organizations) in the 1970s. It was not until the 1980s that corporate American began to gain primary control of the healthcare system. Hospitals, pharmaceuticals, research labs, and many other components of the system were becoming businesses (if they werent already) and more people found themselves unable to afford health insurance. These trends continue to accelerate (Fisher, Bynum, and Skinner, 2009). Examining the evolution of healthcare control provides valuable insight for current health care administrators. Evaluating and optimizing the operation of a healthcare organization must include a comprehensive consideration of the forces involved. Operating as a business, a healthcare organization must account for and minimize costs at every

Friday, September 27, 2019

Viewpoint of Leopold and Schweitzer about Artificial Destruction of Assignment - 3

Viewpoint of Leopold and Schweitzer about Artificial Destruction of Ecosystem Centers - Assignment Example Various ideas about artificial destruction of ecosystem centers on ethics as a tool of human conscience. The moral obligation of man towards the non-living objects and other living organisms has been proposed by two environmental thinkers in a divergent perspective but convergent basis. Leopold is a proponent of land ethic as a critical moral instrument that should guide human actions towards nature. His claim emphasizes the overriding perception of man that land is a property. His analogy of Odysseus killing his maid servants is a comparative scenario of how man treats land. He argues against the human notion that land should be treated as personal property that can be exposed to destruction at will. Instead Leopold explains that man should consider land as part of ecology in which man is also a member (KohaÃŒ k 88). The point is that land serves as the habitat of several other organisms besides man. In that respect, man’s effort to destroy land interferes with the otherwise complex biotic and abiotic system that constitutes nature.Land ethics is used by Leopold to emphasize the need for a moral conscience of man in his relationship with soil. The description of land in this case encompasses water, soil, wildlife and all living and non-living organisms that make up ecosystem. The relationship that exists between man and land is more of symbiotic and property aspect should not be upheld. The land is considered the source of energy through food chain that ends up sustaining man. Leopold argues that the working of the ecosystem is complex and limited knowledge of man which prompt violent attack on nature is not fair. Man is the only organism with conscience and has the obligation to exercise morality in his treatment of nature. In this respect, Leopold champion for responsibility on the side of man in his desires to satisfy societal needs through nature. Other animals and plants may not have the conscience but it is evident that they always pose limited r isk to the same ecosystem that supports them. The history of evolution and biblical assertions of human superiority over nature assigns moral obligation to do the right thing for sustainable existence.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Recent Developments in the UK Housing Market Essay - 1

Recent Developments in the UK Housing Market - Essay Example The researcher states that the government should renovate existing houses because the households earning low incomes are entirely relying on private rented sectors that are not regulated. These areas are characterized by poor living conditions and security. It is important for the government to develop more housing because there are more than 1.7 million families on local authority housing waiting lists. This is a significantly huge number. The government should ensure that the new houses are environmentally friendly and affordable to everyone needing them. The first time buyers in the UK property market are important because they act as liquidity source to the whole housing market. These first-time buyers generally bridge the gap thus enhancing transactions as regards the housing property. The rates of transactions that proceed in the housing market may stall if the first time buyers are unavailable. Between 1998 and 2007, house prices increased steadily in the United Kingdom, makin g the ownership for the first buyers to be unaffordable. Interest rates for the first time buyers affected them to a comparatively wide margin. This is because the group may not have built up a previous equity and many of them may be earning low incomes than other people. When the first time buyers think of house affordability, they first consider the real interest rates given. On the other hand, the first time buyers may face more severe affordability burdens when prices of houses quickly upsurge. Lastly, it is imperative to note that structural shifts in mortgage or credit availability are other factors that led to fall of first-time buyers purchasing homes. In 2010, the government introduced a mortgage rescue scheme that protected the low-income households from being recuperated. The mortgage scheme consisted of two parts including the equity loan which was an interest loan issued by various housing associations. The interest rates could pay off between 25% and 75% of the mortgag e rates thereby reducing monthly costs. On the other hand, an interest rate of 1.75% was implemented on the loan.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Public Relations Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Public Relations Theory - Essay Example Another tactic is to block roads to prevent transportation procedures leading to massive losses in the transport industry. However, patronage in public relations is meant to reform people’s behavior. Government through the council may use bribery and favor of wrong opinions using threats and denials to underfund the black spot project. Patronage also involves using a celebrity to endorse the 142 black spot projects for renovation and repair while ignoring the 50 unattended cases. South Australian council, therefore, may also use endorsements and public appearances of leaders to discredit the remaining 50 projects (Kemp & Higgins 2013, p.1). This is conducted through civic improvement projects and awareness campaigns essential in communication models in public relations. Use of persuasion is also fundamental in convincing people to accept or refuse an idea. Communication is applied in this case in public relations following six distinct steps. Presenting the message comes first because it gives an individual the chance to prepare for the message. South Australia’s council, for example, may persuade the Freedom of Information Laws from pressing on with the eligibility of 50 black spot projects recorded between 2011 and 2012 (More information on budget is on appendix B). Second step involves attending that is very critical in the field of public relations. Listening to the persuasive message is essential for the message to reach its recipient. This is followed by comprehension of the sent message. It implies the South Australian council and the citizens understand the implications of accidents and underfunding respectively. Persuasion strategy, therefore, assists in examining and reporting on the outcome of the... Public relations and media here mean convincing the masses on the benefits of accepting the funding of 142 black spot projects instead of criticizing 50 not underfunded. Fifth step under the persuasion theories is the retention of the information transmitted for future use and reference. In propaganda, a concept of public relations, it is paramount to remind the people constantly on the import of the previous message. For example, addressing the issue of underfunding by the council should take place consistently it is raised by the Freedom of Information Laws and NGOs. This will guard against losing a vote of no confidence against the government Introduction of theories in public relations is to restore mutual relationships. For example, South Australian government through its council is bound by moral principle to explain reasons for underfunding 50 black spot projects. Under the principle, other objectives include organization and explanation to assure the public on road safety. Next is prediction of the decision especially the causes and effects of funding 145 black spot projects and leaving 50 others. instilling relationship management theory in public relations (Doug et al 2009, p.204). Public relations have two forms of publics namely internal and external. For instance, in external, regulatory agencies of the government such as South Australian council has no relationship with other organizations. It, therefore, means media, motorists and community members are not permitted to receive information affecting their interests. Alternatively, internal publics have the same institutional identity and they include employees, management and investors.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Steel Prices on the World Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Steel Prices on the World Market - Essay Example i) Number of Steel Plants (Over supply caused reduction in plants via bankruptcies, mergers and plant concentration) Increase of Supply can only be achieved by increasing production capacity via (i) more plants (slow process as lead time is many years due to cost, market entry barriers via government regulations, environmental regulations, investment capital requirement to finance installations, complex mechanics), or (ii) increase of productivity within the plants (possible to a certain extent only until capacity is maxed out, The question of steel Prices has moved into the center of attention of the economic world since they started skyrocketing over the last 2 to 3 years. As steel is at the core of a large number of products, increases in the base product have a tremendous effect on the prices of subsequent product and thus on several price indices. In the extreme, certain business areas can be largely effected by shortages and price increases, strongly influencing their overall profitability and ultimately, in certain cases, threatening their survival. In the following I would like to investigate some of the causes, effects and remedies of this phenomenon and will attempt to make some predictions as to its future development. So while both primary and fu... As steel is at the core of a large number of products, increases in the base product have a tremendous effect on the prices of subsequent product and thus on several price indices. In the extreme, certain business areas can be largely effected by shortages and price increases, strongly influencing their overall profitability and ultimately, in certain cases, threatening their survival. In the following I would like to investigate some of the causes, effects and remedies of this phenomenon and will attempt to make some predictions as to its future development. It is being reported that steel price is one of the major contributors to the overall increase in wholesale price index. A little analysis would put the thing in right perspective. Item Weight Index on 24.7.04 (Base:1993-94=100) % Growth over last year % Contribution to price rise All Commodities 100 186.2 7.5 Primary Articles 22.02 191.0 6.3 1.4 Fuel, Power, Lubricants etc 14.23 274.4 10.0 1.4 Manufactured Products 63.75 164.9 7.1 4.53 Iron & Steel 3.64 240.9 45.0 1.6 So while both primary and fuel have contributed 1.4 percent each to 7.5 percent increase in WPI indices during the last one year, the prices of manufactured products has led to a 4.53 percent growth in prices. And out of the manufactured product prices, the prices of iron and steel items have contributed 1.6 percent to the overall price rise. This implies that around 21 percent of the general price rise in the last one year has been accounted for by prices of iron and steel. Under any counts this is substantial and unprecedented. The direct linkage of domestic steel prices with international prices is frequently being cited as the

Monday, September 23, 2019

ADHD Epidemic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ADHD Epidemic - Research Paper Example Latest research shows significance of the disorder in the society and dangers of administered drug for treatment of ADHD. ADHD was discovered in the second half of the twentieth century. Stolzer (2007) explains that by the year 1950, no case of the disorder had been reported in the United States. This however changed and changed and 2000 cases had been reported in the nation two decades later. The timeline therefore defines between the year 1950 and the year 1970 as the period within which the disorder was discovered. ADHD is a psychiatric disorder and not a biological complication as some may argue. Its history is the first to justify this. Some of the behavioral traits of those diagnosed with the problem were previously considered normal and only a change in classification of these traits has occurred. ADHD was also classified as a psychiatric disorder and according to Stolzer, it is a mythical disease and not a real disease. Behaviors that are currently used to diagnose ADHD are also historical behaviors that have in the past been considered normal. There has also been a disproportionate statistics of the complication in America and this undermines reality of the complication as a disease. Methylphenidate is the most commonly used drug for management of ADHD symptoms but its high usage in the United States, compared to usage in other parts of the world raises concerns on reality of ADHD in the nation. At least 80 percent of produced methylphenidate, worldwide, is consumed in the United States for management of the complication but prevalence of ADHD in the nation, relative to the global incidence cannot be proportionate to the drug usage. In addition, incidence of ADHD has not been consistence across time, animal species, and even nations and this suggest its mythical existence in the United States. The media and pharmaceutical companies could be credited for

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Evaluation Measures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evaluation Measures - Research Paper Example These groups constitute a major part in this Association, and it is through their help and support that the Association is able to carry out its activities. The Association is keen on implementing its goals in order to meet the 7 Measures of success. Professional practice standards are high to ensure trust from the customer Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). (2012). This shows that customer service is well catered for by the association. Members follow certain guidelines and principles to ensure the services they give out are in line with the mission. The Association also has member discounts for those joining the association. The Association also has a fundraising executive (CEO), who presides over the meetings and other programs to ensure mission achievement. The members engage in discussion and dialogue every once in a while to ensure that the association does not part from its mission. They offer research, education and certification programs to ensure growth. They also have national discussion groups and offer career guidance and management. The AFP mission statement is; â€Å"The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Greater Cleveland Chapter is the recognized leader for advancing philanthropy by empowering fundraisers to serve throughout the region† (Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), 2012). Alliance building in the Association is strategized in order for it to accomplish its targets. AFP teams up with other groups, known and unknown, and use that opportunity to pass the philanthropic message. The Alliance building starts with the coming together of individuals and groups having different ideas and perceptions about the work being done (Asae, 2012). With time, all the parties involved come to understand and share the Association vision and values. With this, a powerful association is built, one with both political power to influence others and a need to show social justice. Alliance

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The concept and idea of privacy Essay Example for Free

The concept and idea of privacy Essay The concept and idea of privacy is one which continues to exist in fewer and smaller instances in this generation. The advent of new technologies, of mobile communication, instant messaging and the virtual omnipresence afforded by these said devices has made it easier for individuals to connect and communicate with their friends, families, colleagues, society and the rest of the world through the most effortless of gestures or the simple press of a button. This convenience by way of interaction has brought most to indulge and engage in communication with other people regardless of where they are, and whether or not they are in hearing range of other people not directly concerned with the matter being discussed; thus blurring the lines of private boundaries, or pronouncing it non-existent altogether. Technology is growing in its ability to bridge the gaps which separate individuals from each other, but it is also proving that a significant amount of people do not want these gaps bridged.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It has ceased to exact surprise and amazement from people when certain individuals indulge in obnoxiously loud conversations, private or otherwise, in a crowded or public place and within earshot of everybody else in the near vicinity. Gone are the days of the now seemingly foreign and obsolescent idea of commuting long distance conversations through and from a telephone box; mobile communication has rendered it impractical. Cellphones have become an almost indispensable part of every individual living in the 21st century, in a generation of displaced people, of individuals always out on the move trying to be all that they can be, mobile communication is a lifeline. Cellphones exist to ensure that certain parts of humanity will thrive by way of social interaction, or it could just be an efficient avenue for conducting business transactions, and similar practical dealings devoid of personal sentiments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Whether or not mobile interactions constitute personal or business agenda however, its nagging and growing occurrence in public places nevertheless crosses boundaries of privacy, and oversteps on the right of other people to avail of it. The director of the Center for Mobile Communication Studies at Rutgers University, James Katz, poses the reality of this by saying, â€Å"if anything characterizes the 21st century, its our inability to restrain ourselves for the benefit of other people,† he proceeds to emphasize this concept by saying â€Å"the cellphone talker thinks his rights go above that of people around him, and the jammer thinks his are the more important rights.† The jammer Katz was referring to exists in the person of a cellphone vigilante who invented a device to cut off cellphone communication from cell towers, jamming radio frequencies, and thereby silencing the phone blabber in question.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   But carrying out loud and obnoxious conversations to the point of failing to address the personal boundaries of other individuals isnt the only threat to peoples privacy that cellphones are wielding, another form of it exists under the seemingly harmless and non-threatening platform that is Twitter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Twitter is a program which affords the people using it the virtual intimacy and networking connection of a blog, made efficient and automatic through mobile phones. Twitter has gained significant popularity among its many users, enabling them to post packets of current life events, sentiments and similar ego-indulging stream of consciousness centering on the mundane, trivial, and/or pressing issues running through the course and extent of their existence and the everyday grind (Cohen).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An article in The New York Times negates the seeming harmlessness of the virtual communication platform by covering the story of a computer consultant from Florida who announced suicide late one night by way of driving his car on a bridge on Twitter using his cellphone, inciting alarm and panic on much of his five hundred plus network of friends. It turns out the computer consultant, Nick Starr didnt pull through with the suicide and was found the following day camped out in his car near the bridge. Needless to say, the twitter he left â€Å"Alright this is it. Parked my car. I wish everyone who ever was nice to me well. See you in the next life.† however brief, affected the five hundred some network of friends whose lives and personal space were disrupted, and perhaps re-arranged because of a reality which only existed in the virtual world. When checked by police, Starr attributed his twitters to loneliness, and not being geographically close to his friends. He underwent therapy and has now moved to San Fransisco to be with most of his friends in real life. Much like the blurring boundaries of what is intended for private and public consumption, the lines of intimacy between the real is being substituted for the virtual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These aforementioned instances solidifies and affirms the reality which plagues our generation. Content, messages and meanings intended for private consumption are dragged into the open, undiscriminating public sphere, and people are not finding this prevalent privatization of public space disturbing, but instead, accepting it as another reality which needs to be dealt with at one point or another. Few people, the likes of the previously discussed cellphone vigilante whose efforts in undermining the intrusion of privacy, and the need to keep private matters from seeping into the public sphere, are able to commit to opposing it by resorting to extreme measures. Of course, aside from cellphone frequency jamming being illegal, such cant be regarded as ethically and absolutely correct.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is unfortunate is that despite what has been said, the individuals who put their private lives up for public consumption, and the people who are on the receiving end of having their private spaces overstepped and intruded upon by the former, are both victims of the seeming evils of new technologies, and its utilization. What needs to be addressed is not only how people make use of such technologies, taking care not to let the overwhelming digital and technological avenues and platforms of social interaction and communication overrun their private lives, or intrude upon that of others, but more importantly, to engage in healthy conversations in the real world. In traditional and good old fashioned human to human conversation whenever the opportunity presents itself without the need for handhelds or digital and electronic devices. Such will result to less misunderstandings, healthier relationships, public and private spaces being left as they are; and humanity, ultimately affirmed and preserved. Works Cited   Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Cell Yell: Thanks for (Not) Sharing.† 22 November 2001. Taub, Eric A. The New York   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Times. 20 December 2007.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Devices Enforce Silence of Cellphones, Illegally.† 4 November 2007. Richtel, Matt. The   Ã‚  Ã‚   New York Times. 20 December 2007.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"The Global Sympathetic Audience.† 4 November 2007. Cohen, Noam. The New York   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Times. 20 December 2007.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Concept Of Marriage In Sikhism Religion Essay

The Concept Of Marriage In Sikhism Religion Essay Sikh is a Punjabi word that means in the Punjabi language is disciple. According to another school of thought, the word Sikh derives from Seekh which means learner. Sikhs are the disciples of God who follow the writings and teachings of the Ten Sikh Gurus. The wisdom of these teachings in Sri Guru Granth Sahib is practical and universal in their appeal to all mankind. A Sikh is any person whose faith consists of belief in One God, the ten Sikh Gurus, the Guru Granth Sahib and other scriptures and teachings of the Sikh Gurus. Meanwhile, he or she must believe in the necessity and importance of `Amrit, the Sikh baptism. According to Sikh code of conduct Rahit MaryÄ dÄ  : A Sikh is any person whose faith consists of belief in one God, the ten Gurus, the Guru Granth Sahib and other scriptures of the Sikh religion. Additionally he or she must believe in the necessity and importance of amrit (the Sikh baptism ceremony.)  [1]   The religion was founded by Guru Nanak who was born in 1469 and began in the Punjab, the upper part of the Indus Valley at the beginning of the 16th Century CE. When India and Pakistan became independent, this region which is the historic homeland of the Sikhs has been divided in two. Lahore, the ancient capital of the Sikhs, is now in Pakistan, while Amritsar, the site of the most famous and important Sikh holy building the Harimandir (Golden Temple), is in India. By the time, the last of the ten living gurus (Gobind Singh) died in 1708, Sikhism had developed a distinct and separate identity, as the succession of nine gurus who followed Guru Nanak each made contributions to and refined the tradition. The tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, decreed that his successor should be Siri Guru Granth Sahib ji, the collection of holy writings of the Sikhs. The Akali and Singh Saba movement propagated the Sikh beliefs and rituals. These movements fold all Hindu custom from Sikh community. They realized the problem and significance of Sikh Identity. These movements make popular Anand Marriage ceremony.  [2]   Marriage Marriage is named differently in different cultures and at different places. It is called wedding, Shadi, Viyah or Nikah. This ceremony is called Anand Karaj in Sikhism. Marriage is the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all othersIn other words marriage is an act of taking girl as wife by her husband from the house of her father-mother. Marriage is the central, cardinal institution of natural society.  [3]   Further, the basic unit of society is the family, not the individual, it starts the reproductive cycle of human life. Marriage is an institution in which a mating gets social approval and the pairing of men and women are regulated. All known societies today, have the custom of marriage. Marriage is an essential ingredient of any society, and it is just like as religion in the society. Marriage and the family changes from place to place, religion to religion, caste to caste, tribe to tribe and moreover from time to time. So it is really a hard task to find out a universal definition of marriage. Some of the definitions of marriage focus upon legal aspects of marriage, while others center upon the social aspects of marriage but in almost all definitions of marriage the stress is upon the union of male and female. The marriage ceremony is a special step for couples which require serious thought in any society. During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom make a public commitment to honor and support each other in their lives together as wife and husband.  [4]   Marriage institution is the most oldest and natural institution. During the last few thousand years of our cultural history, marriage and extended family has been the basis of our social structure. According to Lal Singh, Marriage is an oath taking ceremony of two souls desirous of physical, intellectual and spiritual union.  [5]   According to Promila Kapur, Marriage is a Sanskara and as such it is a sacrament and a religious bond which cannot be broken under any circumstances. Ideally, it aims not only at the individuals biological, emotional, social and spiritual fulfillments and development through union with a person of the opposite sex, but also at the development, fulfillment and welfare of the family, and through it of the society and mankind.  [6]   In general terms, marriage is described as the union of a man and a woman to live together as husband and wife according to the standard set out in the Holy Scriptures, which is socially permitted, legally agreed and religiously allowed. Marriage as more of a religious ritual than a social in east or legal affair like that in west and is considered a sacred institution in most cultures and religious traditions. Marriage is a spiritual identity, not just a love affair between two people. Marriage in Sikhism is regarded as a sacred bond of mutual help in attaining the heights of worldly life and spiritual bliss. It is a unity of mind and soul. It is a means to attain spirituality and not an end in itself. The real goal of marriage in Sikhism is union of both souls with Almighty Lord.  [7]   Marriage in Sikhism and its Developments The Sikh Gurus had a very high regard for the state of marriage, and they themselves entered into matrimony. They insisted that marriage is not merely a civil or social contract, but that its highest and most ideal purpose is to fuse two souls into one so that they may become spiritually inseparable. The concept of Sikh Marriage is explained by Guru Amar Das, the third Guru of the Sikhs that marriage is an attempt of uniting the individual soul to the Universal Soul. They are not to be called husband and wife who only sit together; rather they are husband and wife who have one spirit in two bodies  [8]   The Sikh Marriage ceremony is called Anand Kiraj literally (anand means bliss and Kiraj means occasion or ceremony) Blissful Occasion. The anand marriage ceremony was initiated by the third Guru of the Sikhs, Guru Ram Das. Varias Guru Bilas and most of the history do not properly dilate on the subject of Sikh marriage in old times. Various Guru Bilas are in poetry and in language that is not quite easy to be followed by everyone. The first serious attempt at the revival of the Anand marriage ceremony was made during the time of Ranjit Singh by Baba Dyal, founder of the Nirankari movement. The second attempt was made by the Namdhari Guru Baba Ram Singh who also adopted the Anand ceremony, but with a major difference. The third and the most important attempt at the widespread propagation of the Anand form of marriage were made by the Singh Sabha movement. The marriage ceremony as propagated by the Singh Sabha resembled the Nirankari rather than the Namdhari version of the Anand marriage. Sikh Marriage Ceremony In Anand Karaj, four lavan (name of Hymns) are recited from Guru Granth Sahib (the Sikh Holy Book), and with each Lavn, the boy followed by the girl, circumambulate (goes around) Guru Granth Sahib. The Anand Kirraj Ceremony can be conducted in boy home or in Gurdwarain the presence of Sri Guru Gant Sahib. The couple to be married will be sitting in front of Guru Gant Sahib on flour and the family and friends will set down. Customly Asa the var is recited and then the welcoming hymns is recited. The Granti make it sure that the couple have agreed to the marriage require them and their parents stand up. The rest of congregation remains seated. Then the advice or instruction is given by the Granthi. Usually it is the summary of the Sikh philosophy of marriage and married life. He asks the couple to aspire for a truly religious life devoted to God and to get initiated into the order of the Khalsa. Through the sweetness of their manners and behavior they should ingratiate with their in-laws. Loyalty and fidelity to each other are the highest virtues. Adultery is strictly forbidden. Here the Granthi recites hymns of Guru Gobind Singhs and Guru Amar Das and Guru and even Baba Fareed Shalok. The bride and groom bow to Siri Guru Granth Sahib in acceptance of the instructions. Then the marriage Lavan reads the Granthi which are composed by Guru Amar Das, the forth Sikh Guru. The four lavans are reading and with each lavan the couple is rotating the Siri Guru Granth Sahiband at the end of rotation to the Siri Guru Granth in acceptance. The four lavan and rotation is basically the four promises. In last everybody (congregation) will stand up and the Granthi will read the concluding prayer. After this the Granthi reads the Ardas which summary is that the God is unique..Also Karah Parsad is distributed to congregation. Usually it is first offer to the couple and then to others people of congregation.  [9]   Sikh Marriage Act In 1908 A.D Tikka Ripudaman Singh was member of Imperial Legislative Council who sent the bill to the Imperial Legislative Council. After Tikka Singh, S.Sunder Singh Mahajitha became the member of the Council. On August 27, 1909 A.D S Sunder Singh presented the Anand Kirraj Bill to the Councile. He told to the council that Ananad marriages were already practiced by Sikh community since last 30 years. The Bill was sent to Select Committee, and its members were Mr. Sinha, Sir Herbert Rezli, and S. Sunder Singh Majithia. On September 10, 1909, the Select Committee placed the Bill before Council with its recommendation. Meeting of the Council was held on October 22, 1909, and Anand Marriage Act 1909 was passed.  [10]   But it is strange that in India today magistrates issue the marriage-certificates on the forms of Hindu Marriage Act. A young Sikh from Patiala Banta Singh said in his statement, it was like giving a Hindu in Pakistan a Muslim marriage Certificate. The Hindu polytheistic and Muslim or Sikh Monotheistic civilizations simply do not add up. It was therefore obnoxious and sinister of the Indian government to replace an enactment with one that insulted its important minority by way of statutory manipulation.  [11]   Sikh Marriage Act (Anand Kirraj) was submitted by The World Muslim Sikh Federation to government of Pakistan in 2007 A.D. The Government of Pakistan has accepted demands from Sikh community to registered their marriages under the Anand Karaj ceremony and introduced Anand Marriage Act in line with the Anand Marriage Act 1909 that was passed by the British in the subcontinent one hundred years ago. The 1909 Act extended to British India (Indian Sub Continent) now India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.  [12]   The Sikh Marriage Act does not explain the Sikh Marriage Ceremony (Anand Kirrraj) but just explain that the marriage ceremony conducted under Sikh religion and sacrosanct among the Sikhs called Anand Kirraj is valid and the Government of Pakistan, through the Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee shall issue appropriate marriage certificates under the Sikh Anand Marriage Act. Statement of the Problem: Most of the articles on Sikh Rituals are non Scholar writings. There are a very little scholarly writings on Sikh marriage ceremony especially in Peshawar. But I have tried my best to get the academic books, journals, articles and some reports on the issue that I am going to address. Sikhism has often been described by scholars as a way of life and is the worlds fifth-largest and youngest organized religion. There is a dearth of writings on Sikh rituals and customs. So, it can be best understood by studying the life of the people professing it. Sikhism is close to Islam in some very basic beliefs and there is currently a need for more comprehensive study on rituals (as Marriage) practices by Sikh community. Marriage is the most celebrated life event but different religious communities use distinct symbolic tools to legitimate the institution of marriage. It is possible to urge that living in same city but with different religious practices distinct the social practices. Research Questions What is the impact of local culture of Peshawar in the performance of Sikh Marriage ceremony? What is the relation between marriage and religion; and what is the position of Sikhism in this context? Is there currently a need for more comprehensive study on Marriage practices by Sikh community in Peshawar? How far is the practices of modern issues (such as monogamy, polygamy, hypergamy, exogamy, endogamy, abortion and divorce) in Sikhism and what are its boundaries in the religion? Literature Review: This is a religious study of one religion of the world. Unfortunately Sikhism has been ignored in the study of religion. There is very little scholarly literature available in Sikh rituals (especially like marriage ceremony). But no research has been conducted on the topic. There is a book Ethical issues in six religious traditions, Edited by Peggy Morgan and Clive Lawton which discusses ethical issues in Sikhism but it is not a comprehensive study just discusses the one aspect of rituals in Sikhism. The books are available on Indian culture and tradition which also provide some writings about Sikh religious ceremonies. Like Sources of Indian Tradition Compiled by W. M. Theodore de Bary, Stephen N. Hay, Royal Weiler, Andrew Yarrow . This book describes the civilizations of India and provides an understanding of the intellectual and spiritual traditions which are remain alive in India today. Somewhat attention is given to religious and philosophical developments in earlier times which still form part of the Indian heritage and have experienced a considerable revival in the nineteenth and twentieth century. On the other hand, attention is also given to political, economic, and social trends. Another vocal and brief book is written on Sikh village of India Information and Behavior in a Sikh Village Social Organization Reconsidered by Murray J. Leaf. This is a social analysis of a village the Sikh religion in Indian Punjab. Like most anthropological village studies and this study makes upon the attention of social scientists is based not so much on the content of theory, method, or fact alone but rather on a broader and more general consideration of the pattern of relationships among them. This describes the society or culture in general. Understanding Faith series book by Professor Frank Whaling that deals in various customs in Sikhism. Its another part Understanding Sikhism by W. Owe. Cole that describe shortly the importance of family in Sikhism and tells about the essentials of Sikh marriage ceremony. The Anand ceremony was started by The Third Guru, Guru Ram Das and composed by the fourth Guru, Guru Amar Das. There are so many books on Teachings of tenth Guru of Sikhism which of course will help me on writing on Anand Kirraj. The Sikh code of conduct that is Rehat Meryada is published by the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC). It is accepted as an authoritative statement of Sikh conduct and is used by Sikhs as the standard guide also discusses the essentials and features of Anand Kirraj. The International Bibliography of Sikh Studies brings together all books, composite works, journal articles, conference proceedings, theses, dissertations, project reports, and electronic resources produced in the field of Sikh Studies until June 2004, making it the most complete and up-to-date reference work in the field today. There is feminist article about Sikh rituals which tried to feminize the Sikh funeral and marriage rituals Why Did I Not Light the Fire? The Refeminization of Ritual in Sikhism by Nikky-Guninder Kaur Singh. Encyclopedia of Sikh religion has also briefly introduces of the Anand Marriage ceremony. The article was published after two years of passing Sikh marriage Act in 1911 in Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation British India by Courtenay Ilbert which evaluates the acts of the Indian sub continent of period British rule. This will help me to know the history of Sikh marriage Act 1909. Jeevan Deol wrote on The minas and their literature, that is published by American Oriental Society which discuss the validity of marriage between Mians and Khalisa sect of Sikhism. Objectives of the Study: Main purpose of my research is to have a better understanding of different religious communities of Pakistan and their rituals particularly. For this purpose I have selected the Sikh religion and particularly the marriage ceremony in Sikhism in the Sikh community of Peshawar. My research will also bring a useful case study for the students of comparative religion as well as social groups who are eager to learn about this traditions, culture, rituals and such other legal bindings. . It will clarify the Sikh traditions attitude to the marriage institute (practices) Methodology: This research will be conducted drawing from both qualitative and quantitative methods. Firstly library research through content analysis and document analysis on Marriage in Sikhism will be considered, upon which background to the thesis will be laid. This will in essence not exclude the recently published materials (journal articles and newspapers) that critically analyze the Sikh Marriage System in the Sikh Community of Peshawar. The research will also be consisted upon direct surveys in the Sikh community of Peshawar and in its surroundings which will be very useful to understand the problem. Similarly the various surveys conducted in the topic will also be under consideration. Chapterization: Chapter One This chapter will take into account the background of the studies, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, research methodology, research questions, and review of the literature. Chapter Two In this chapter I will briefly highlight the introduction of Sikhism, its historical background and its customs, traditions (as Polygamy, Endogamy, Hypergamy, Dowry, Divorce and Abortion) and particularly some rituals and its developments as Anand Kirraj. Chapter Three This chapter will examine the marriage in Sikh community (Anand Kirraj) of Peshawar and the Marriage Act of 1909 of Indian Sub-continent (Pakistan). Chapter Four Data Analysis and Conclusion

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Free Canterbury Tales Essays: The Knight and the Wife of Bath :: Wife of Bath Essays

The Character of the Knight of the Wife of Bath  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The knight from the "Wife of Bath's Tale" is not a very likable personality. His actions suggest he is just an abstract character, a receiver of the actions, who is used to give the tale's plot a meaning. Neither he nor other characters in the story are even mentioned by name. However, the traits of his character are very real and do exist in the real world. Brought together, they create an un-exciting personality of a man without a purpose in life. The knight is not very smart; he does not think about the consequences of his actions. Raping the girl is one example. In this act, he is guided only by his desires, without considering how right they are. But he doesn't think about the punishment either. The knight lives only for the present moment. Another example is the rash promise that he gives to the old hag. He agrees to do anything she wants in return for hearing the answer he is looking for. True, if he doesn't get an answer, he will lose his life. However, he doesn't think about the possibility that what the hag will want may turn out to be even worse, considering the fact that honor and personal integrity were valued more than life in those times. A thoughtful person, such as Sir Gawain from Morte Darthur, would have inquired more about the woman's wish, before making such an agreement. The knight is also an ungrateful person. The hag saves him from a certain death and then requests that he marry her. In light of the events, the knight should be grateful to escape death, but instead he views the marriage to his savior as another form of the same punishment. He agrees only because he is bound by the promise, and the chivalric code forces him to keep it. In addition, the knight's thoughts are easily influenced by other people. Apparently, he recognizes the fact that he is often wrong and listens to the opinions of others. But he adopts those opinions without thinking them through for himself. This happens when the old hag says she knows what women most want; the knight doesn't question that knowledge. However, by the time he meets the hag, he has listened to many other women who weren't very consistent in their suggestions.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Clockwork Orange Essay: Blindness in A Clockwork Orange

Blindness in A Clockwork Orange In the novel, A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess has tried to show the importance of individual freedom over doing the right thing. He has taken an extreme example of violence and perverse acts to accent his strong belief. It is my opinion that Burgess has been blinded to some essential truths in his quest to ensure personal freedom. Personal freedom can be described as acting upon your own accord and not becoming restricted by the social paradigm in which you live. This is definitely a noble cause, all men should have the right to choose the path of their own lives. You may have the right to choose your own actions, but you are not allowed to impose your freedom on others. This is the point at which Burgess’ supposed view becomes hypocritical. Alex has forced himself into the personal freedom of others and in doing so is no better than the state which rehabilitated him. If one imposes himself on the personal freedom of another violently, a reaction will occur. If a rabid dog wanders around your neighborhood, do you let it continue to do so? The dog as you once knew it was an affectionate creature always playing with the children and never once threatened the mailman, but today it threatens the lives of everyone in your community. The dog’s life is ended and it is freed from it’s disease. Alex is sick much like a rabid dog, he is perverse and though it may not be his fault, much like it was not the dog’s fault of becoming rabid, his threat on others has to be neutralized. I question the actual freedom Alex believes he has. He seems to be oppressed by his emotional sickness and perverseness. Alex is a slave to his supposed freedom, which is dictated by the feelings of the other people whos... ...y of the 1940’s. The fact that the book was taken from a juvenile point of view, which whether we like it or not is associated with naivetà © and innocence, also downplayed the violent acts which were occurring. In the movie it is not as easy to identify with Alex, due to the fact that he is portrayed as an adult. I then took notice of the parallel to this â€Å"power of propaganda† theme, which was illustrated through out section two. Alex is given the Reclamation Treatment, the use of propaganda films and drugs for reflex conditioning, which addresses fears of brain washing evident in that era. For me this is a much stronger theme than the freedom of choice one, which I addressed earlier in the essay. I am not certain exactly what Burgess was trying to show with this book, all I know is that it revealed to me what propaganda can accomplish if it is done correctly.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Death of a Salesman and Empire Falls Essay

Death of a Salesman and Empire Falls Death of a Salesman s actually a very different story from Empire Falls. Although they are very different they do have some similarities. If it werent for the novel, How to Read Literature Like a Protessor, I probably wouldnt have seen these similarities. The novels, Death of a salesman and Empire Falls have many differences but the few similarities come from literary elements that they have in common. In the novel Death of a salesman, the story Is based on a man named Willy that tarts acting really weird when his son, 3ff, comes home from Texas, He starts acting weird when Biff comes around because he has a horrible memory of him. In this novel, there are a few literary elements that are different. This novel has a lot of symbols. WIIIys car symbolizes worry because every time Willy got In the car he had something go wrong. When he drove, the family was always worried. Lastly, the family had communion when they all came together at the end ot the book and finally hashed out what needed to be hashed out for a long time The family finally iscussed what was really going on between Willy and Biff. In the novel, Empire Falls, the story Is based on a guy named Mlles Roby who Is living In a town called Empire Falls. He has worked at a restaurant called Empire Grill and is now manager. He is dealing with problems such as the restaurant his ex-wife, and his daughter. In this novel Empire Grill symbolized failure because it barely made enough of a profit for the workers to get by, especially Mlles_ when Tick and Wles went away for a little while, they went to the beach. Tick liked to paint and o art while watching the ocean. The geography ot this beach symbolized tranquility and hope for Tick. It symbolized that Tick would be able to overcome this tragedy. The two novels actually have some literary similarities. For example, both novels used weather as symbols. In Death of a salesman It rained when WIIly was going to work to talk to his boss. The rain symbolized Willys mood which was hurt, troubled, and stress. Willys boss noticed how frantic and weird he was acting. The boss thought Willy needed to take a break with his lob and tocus on himself. In Empire Falls there was a big flood at the encl The flood symbolized a new beginning. After the flood, the city had to be rebuilt. It was a new beginning for everyone. Another example that the novels have in common is that they both have characters that are blind to something. In Death of a salesman, Wlllys wife, Linda, was blind to see that Willy was acting up when Biff was around because he was guilty of something. He was guilty of cheating but Linda was blind to see that. In Empire Falls, Tick was blind to see that John was going to do something very crazy. John took a gun to school and hot some of the classmates that were bullying hiru He even tried to shoot Tick but the mayor of Empire Falls stepped in front of her, saving her life. Both novels involve sex indirectly. In Death ot a Salesman, Willy has an affair with another woman while last example would be that both novels both showed examples of violence. In Death of a Salesman, Willy took the car out late one night and crashed. The crash happened to show the family how much Willy was effected by his son’s presence. In Empire Falls, Ticks classmate John took a gun to school and shot three people. This event shows John’s peers how much he was affected by the bullying. The novels really are similar and this would explain why they were paired together. Even though Death of a Salesman and Empire Falls are very different stories, they actually have quite a few similarities that most people wouldn’t have caught on their own. Without learning about literary elements from How to Read Literature Like a Professor, I probably would not have seen the similarities between the novels. They are very different stories and have completely different story lines.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hamlet: Tragic Hero, Indecisive Villain

Let it be known that Hamlet spent every single act of Hamlet, give or take a few scenes, attempting to justify a reason to follow through with killing his uncle. He suffered through a brutal, miserable, and more-than-slightly ridiculous period of time where his indecision tirelessly tore him to emotional shreds. Throughout the play, Hamlet’s actions (and inaction) were dictated by intense opposing factors of the id, ego, and superego factors of the mental human psyche. Hamlet’s id reflected his burning desire for a sexual relationship with his mother, the ego was characterised by the grueling lengthy time period Hamlet spent trying to finalize his decision, and the superego was defined by a constant ongoing battle between the ghost of King Hamlet giving Hamlet directions on what to do and Hamlet’s own person conflicts with procuring the death of his Uncle Claudius.Hamlet Feels ThingsIn Freudian psychology, the id is the impulsive part of human psyche that consist s of all biological personality traits; also known as â€Å"it.† It can be referred to as â€Å"the pleasure principle,† the idea that every impulse should be satisfied immediately. It instinctively decides what a being truly wants and is strongest in a person when they are an infant, and seek attention at their every basic need. As it is not affected by reality or consequences, it must be greatly repressed to keep a being from making mistakes (McLeod). In context of Hamlet, Hamlet’s id is his unresolved, tauntingly conflicting feelings for his mother, Gertrude. This Oedipus Complex allows for the physical representations of Hamlet’s id, which thus intensifies his already burning desires for a sexual relationship with Gertrude as Hamlet has a palpable release for his urges (Chiu).Her character causes further conflict as she seems to consciously provoke excessive anger and passion from Hamlet, most evidently as she so quickly angers Hamlet from her â€Å" incestuous deeds† in Act 3, Scene 4 (and because of this, shows how she herself is affected by the Oedipus Complex and retaliates the feelings that her son has for her). Gertrude is the focus of the anger and passions of not only Hamlet, but the two other main male characters in the play as well — Hamlet’s father and his brother, Claudius. Her strong physical and sexual appetites are brought  to life in popular film representations of Hamlet, specifically Laurence Olivier’s version. In his portrayal of the closet scene, Hamlet furiously throws Gertrude on to her large, central canopied bed and continues of to verbally assault her while having her in an uncomfortably close embrace all the while.G: Have you forgot me? H: No, by the rood not so. You are the queen, your husband’s brother’s wife, and (would it were not so) you are my mother. G: Nay, then I’ll set those to you that can speak. H: Come, come, and sit you down; you shall not budge. You go not till I set you up a glass Where you may see the (inmost) part of you. (III. 4. 18-25)Olivier’s film, as others similar to it, portray a deceitful woman that uses her sexuality to arouse strong responses and powerful reaction in men, as well as to obtain an advantage over them. This gives readers and audiences a clearer view of Gertrude’s character and allow a view of what affects Hamlet’s emotions. (Smith)Claudius himself also physically represents Hamlet’s id. As Claudius is the man that so rapidly replaced King Hamlet, Hamlet is able to direct negative, murderous thoughts towards him without repression. Hamlet wants to and is even directed to take Claudius’ life, and Hamlet’s grief over his father pushes him to do so. (Tuohy)Hamlet is Conflicted, As AlwaysThe ego is the sector of the human psyche that develops to mediate conflict between the unrealistic id and conflicting superego. In contrast to the how the id works thro ugh impulse and desire, the ego operates by the â€Å"reality principle,† finding ways to realistically attain the wishes of the id. This, however, often leads to delayed satisfaction. â€Å"The id is the horse and the ego is the rider,† compared Freud in one of his researches. The submissive ego is often dominated by the controlling id, constantly attempting to meet the needs of the id while taking reality into account. (McLeod)The ego in Hamlet is simply his indecision and the immense amount of time it takes him to make his decision. Hamlet frequently plays a mental mind game with himself, trying to justify finally killing his uncle but always finding a reason to put it off. Hamlet’s task is only to kill Claudius, but that also means killing the man who is living the life he wants, the man who embodies his childhood fantasies. The loathing that should drive him to kill is replaced by self-reproaches that remind him that he himself is no better than the sinner whom he is to punish. (Schaeffer)One other factor that kept Hamlet from acting was that if he did kill Claudius, he would then be king, and he did not take interest in that position. â€Å"O God. I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infantile space, were it not I have bad dreams† (II. ii. 248-250). If he were king, Hamlet would gladly ignore his public office. He wouldn’t be able to, though, because his conscious would bother him and force him to take care of his responsibilities. (Walsh) Hamlet’s internal battle with himself is probably the most dominant representation of ego in the play. He is torn with emotions: pity and outrage for his father, shame and scorn for his mother, and guilt over his reluctance to follow through with his orders, his responsibility than he inwardly repudiates. (Walsh)Hamlet Has Morals, Who Knew?The superego part of the human psyche incorporates the values and morals learned from an early age. The main function of the superego is to control the id’s impulses, especially those that society looks down upon such as sex and aggression. It also has the power to persuade the ego towards moral solutions instead of just realistic ones. The superego is the most complex sect of the psyche as it is made up of two parts: the conscious and the ideal self. The conscious is responsible for the emotions felt after a decision is made, which is guilt more often than anything else. The ideal self is an imaginary, made up picture of how a person ought to be. It represents career goals, how one ought to acts towards others, and how to become a functioning human being in society. These two parts combine to form the superego and to aid in the attempts of hindering the id. (McLeod)In context of Hamlet, there are multiple conflicting superegos that hinder Hamlet in his decision to kill Claudius. The ghost of King Hamlet is the primary superego in favor of killing Claudius. â€Å"Taint not thy mind, nor le t thy soul contrive / against thy mother ought. Leave her to heaven. / And to those thoughts that in her bosom lodge / to pick and sting her.† (I. v. 85-88) Hamlet is extremely conflicted, because his father’s ghost found him, and specifically ordered Hamlet to avenge his death.This unwelcome paternal superego exacts the killing of Claudius even as it forbids Hamlet to kill himself. In his request, King Hamlet reveals that because Gertrude fell so quickly to Claudius, the King feels emasculated. King Hamlet engenders sexual confusion in Hamlet as he asks him to identify with his feminized self. Claudius killed King Hamlet, and thus King Hamlet â€Å"is in the feminine position of being penetrated by the man who has already penetrated his wife,† according to Stone. The King impedes the son’s mind by saying that Claudius â€Å"won by lustful sin, the heart of my most seeming virtuous queen.† (I. v. 53)By highlighting Gertrude’s fickleness and s hallowness in this quote, the ghost characterizes her as a damsel that Hamlet needs to save. Hamlet feels as if he’s morally obligated to complete the task for his father, and to â€Å"save† his mother from such a monster, and these intense feelings supplement as a secondary superego in favor of killing Claudius. There were many other minor superego factors opposed to killing Claudius, however. Some were simple, such as the law, religion, and Hamlet’s own morals.The law simply forbid murder, especially in Hamlet’s case as he was the Prince of Denmark and having the prince kill the king would be an abomination. Hamlet’s religion held him back from his task because Hamlet was taught that killing was a sin, therefore it should not be committed and vengeance should be left to God and God alone. Hamlet’s own morals also stood in his way, as he had firm beliefs that killing was wrong. (Stone)Claudius himself, though he is a facet of Hamlet’ s id, is also a representation of Hamlet’s superego. Hamlet’s loyalty to his father breaks down into subconcious identification with the brother who murdered him; and is â€Å"the brother† now possess exactly what Hamlet desires: Gertrude. Because of this, Hamlet is engrossed in a subconscious rivalry with Claudius, as he  constantly battles him for Gertrude’s attentions. (Walsh)In the EndUltimately, Hamlet’s refusal to make a decision became his decision. â€Å"My fate cries out!† (I. iv. 58) He is in turmoil for so long, he becomes mad with despair. His despondency seems more focused on his mother’s remarriage than it does on his father’s death, even after the revelation of his uncle’s crime. There were countless opportunities to kill Claudius, but Hamlet always found excuses to avoid it. The real reason why Hamlet never killed Claudius: killing Claudius would mean that Hamlet would also be killing a small part of hi mself; the part that loved Gertrude..Things soon change, however. After Gertrude dies in the final scene, Hamlet no longer has a need to repress his sexual desires. His strength returns, and thus he is finally able to kill Claudius. After Claudius’ death, Hamlet no longer struggles, and can therefore finally rest (die peacefully). (Tuohy)The factors that arise from Hamlet’s inability to make the decision to kill Claudius or not arise from his id, ego, and superego. The id being his desire for an Oedipal relationship with his mother, the ego being the time it took to follow through with a decision, and the superego being many factors, dominantly the ghost of King Hamlet. The id was a stronger force than the the super ego, which was the reason behind all of Hamlet’s emotional outbursts. Hamlet was only able to find inner peace and kill Claudius after Gertrude died, which takes the possibility of his desires away. After he had completed his mission and he did not h ave to live for Gertrude anymore, he could finally die in peace.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

OXO: Satisfaction Guranteed Essay

OXO’s most profitable customers are those with dexterity problems like arthritis such as the wife its founder, Sam Farber, had when coming up with the idea of starting OXO. Now OXO designs products that are usable by as many people as possible. This means that men and women, young and old, left and right handed, and those with special needs can utilize their products (OXO, 1990). â€Å"Through market segmentation, companies divide large, heterogeneous markets into smaller segments that can be reached more efficiently and effectively with products and services that match their unique needs (Kotler & Armstrong, 2014).† Psychographic segmentation is primarily used by OXO in efforts to target a multitude of consumer’s with different lifestyles. Each OXO product â€Å"was developed based on the concept of Universal Design (also known as Inclusive Design), a philosophy of making products that are usable by as many people as possible (OXO, 1990).† Many of the com petitions kitchen gadgets from the research attempt to conform to the needs of consumers such as OXO has done. There are few that have reached the standard for universal ease of use. The value proposition that is extended to OXO’s clients is a satisfaction guarantee which is clearly stated on its website. â€Å"We guarantee everything we make! If for any reason you are not satisfied with an OXO product, return it for replacement or refund (OXO, 1990).† OXO’s satisfaction guarantee is similar to that of some of it’s competitors but not all. Companies such as CUTCO and CHEFS share the 100% satisfaction guarantee value proposition. In order for OXO to develop their product line to stand out from competitors â€Å"Smart Design’s first assignment was to come up with tools that were comfortable in the hand, dishwasher safe, high quality, good looking and  affordable.† OXO’s â€Å"designers divided tool types by wrist and hand motions: twist/turn (used to scoop, stir and peel), push/pull (graters and knives) and squeeze (scissors, garlic press and can openers).† 3 Levels of Product Core customer Value: What is the customer really buying? OXO’s customers are purchasing â€Å"wonderfully comfort–able tools that are easy to use (Corporate Design Foundation).† Actual product: brand name, quality level, packaging, design, features OXO’s hand tools are sold under the name Good Grips, chosen because â€Å"it communicates the major advantage of the line quickly,† explains Farber. OXO’s goal is to provide â€Å"budget–conscious consumers with tools that adhered to OXO’s principles of universal design, focusing on user comfort.† OXO makes grave attempts to use less plastic in packaging (Corporate Design Foundation). Augmented product: delivery and credit, product support, warranty, after-sale  OXO provides product support via email, phone, fax, and mail. The company’s satisfaction guarantee is a warranty within itself. Customers can return products for a replacement or a full refund. After researching OXO’s products it became very apparent that the company follows an intensive distribution strategy. Their products are found in many different shopping outlets such as JC Penny, Bed Bath and Beyond, Kohl’s,, and Sur La Table just to name a few. This type of distribution is very convenient for the company if they’re aim is to provide comfortable gadgets for all to use. Distributing to these types of stores appears to target all lifestyle groups. The pricing of OXO’s Good Grip products seem very reasonable in nature from the product prices I have seen recently. I’ve even purchased a few of the gadgets myself because the pricing and handiness. In comparison to like items, OXO adopted the correct pricing scheme and has made itself a viable competitor in the home goods market. OXO is doing what any other reasonable and profitable company is doing by advertising on social media sites. There is vast community of social media  users that can be pose as potential customers of OXO. Facebook and Twitter are the two most reputable social media sites and they OXO utilizes both to broaden its customer base. Facebook alone has: Over 1.15 billion users, one million webpages can be accessed with the â€Å"Login with Facebook† feature 23% of Facebook users login at least 5 times daily  47% of Americans say Facebook is the top influencer of their buying decisions On average, Americans spend %16 of each online hour on Facebook. 70% of marketers acquire new customers through Facebook. And Twitter: Now has over 550 million registered users and 215 million monthly active users Between 2012 and 2014, Twitter achieved a growth rate of 44% 34% of marketers use Twitter for lead generation (Romeri, 2014).† The vast amount of internet users speaks for itself. OXO is conducting business via internet and attracting a multitude of clients through social media and word of mouth. OXO has raised the bar for the kitchen gadget market with its Good Grips product line and its guarantee of satisfaction. They’ve even taken it a step further to cut advertising costs by advertising through social media sites and even creating a blog site in order to listen and respond to consumer thoughts and concerns on their products. References Corporate Design Foundation. (n.d.). Getting a Grip on Kitchen Tools. Retrieved from Corporate Design Foundation: Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2014). Principles of Marketing. Upper Saddle, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. OXO. (n.d.). Blogger Outreach. Retrieved from OXO: OXO. (1990). Our Roots. Retrieved from OXO: OXO. (1990). Satisfaction Guarantee. Retrieved from OXO: Romeri, M. J. (2014, February 18). New Social Media Statistics You Need to Know. Retrieved from Social Media Today:

Recruitment, Selection and Onboarding Processes Essay

When assessing the strengths and weaknesses of my company’s recruiting, selecting and onboarding processes, there are definitely good processes and areas that need some significant improvement. As with most companies, they have to deal with a large number of applicants so it is easy to understand why some areas of the hiring process may become neglected. It is perfectly okay to admit there are deficiencies in a process or program as long as steps are taken to rectify the deficient areas in order to enhance the program. First of all, my company does very well in the recruiting and selecting of candidates because they are very critical of their choices. Recruiting is mostly done through employee referral and social networking sites and internet job boards. The requirements are spelled out very clearly online for each position that is listed and the recruiters make sure they select candidates who fit the proper criteria. An initial interview is performed by the recruiter to see if you are a viable candidate and if they believe you have what it takes as well as the proper credentials then they will forward your name and resume to the hiring manager where you will sit through a more thorough interview to determine if you are truly the best candidate for the position. All of this is a very good process to make sure qualified candidates are being brought into the organization; however, once the new hires are brought into the organization there is a serious breakdown in the hiring process and it is with the onboarding. If there is one area where my company desperately needs to make improvements, it is in the onboarding process because there really isn’t much of one. It is essential that every successful organization establish and maintain an effective onboarding program to ensure each new employee is properly welcomed into the organization and feels as if they belong there. Without proper onboarding, new employees can become quickly frustrated because there are many new things to learn in a new job and they aren’t being shown what to do. All too often it is assumed that new employees were hired because they know what they are doing, therefore nobody bothers to show them the ropes. Just because someone has all of the credentials for the position does not mean they understand how the process plays out within a specific organization. I know that when I was hired at my company I was left hung out to dry. Nobody showed me how to do anything for the first couple of weeks and I quickly became frustrated. I had just been hired and I already wanted to quit the position. So what should be done in the onboarding process to make sure each new employee feels a sense of worth and importance? New employees should go through a company orientation that explains all facets of the company and they should also be given a guided tour of where they will be working so they know exactly where all of the essential equipment and personnel are located in order to alleviate much of the newcomer stress. Most of all, new hires should be assigned a sponsor who will assist them while they are making the transition into the company so the new employee knows that if they are having any troubles or need questions answered, there is someone there to assist them. These simple actions will make a new employee feel much less stress and anxiety while transitioning into their new position and it will leave a lasting impression on them which may persuade them to stay on with the company longer than what they probably would if they were just left to fend for themselves. So, the bottom line is this†¦don’t just have a hiring process that has â€Å"some† good aspects to it with some areas needing serious attention. Make sure all the areas (recruiting, selecting and onboarding) are given the proper attention so the program is well-rounded. This will go a long way in retaining employees and giving them a positive attitude about the company they have just been assigned to.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The construction of financial supervision system under Greek debt crisis Essay

Introduction The financial crisis and the Greek sovereign debt crisis have accelerated the innovation and construction of EU financial supervision system. This report is analyzing the cause of Greek sovereign debt crisis on the basis of the domestic factors, the international factors and EU factors. Moreover, it illustrates the construction of financial regulatory system of EU based on the level of macro and micro. The macro level has a European systemic risk council; the micro level has a secondary European financial regulatory system which is constituted by EU and member states. The EU also has emergency mechanism on the stage, such as, The European financial stabilization mechanism and The European financial stability facility and associated with a series of regulatory measures. The emergency instrument and institutional measures launched by The Greek crisis and the European Union have provided experience and lessons for worldwide in response to the global financial crisis around the world. Causes The Greek economy was one of the fastest growing in the euro zone during the 2000s. The government of Greece run large deficits due to a strong economy and falling bond yield. Debt to GDP has remained above 100% since the introduction of the EURO. The global financial crisis in 2008 makes the Greek economy suffer a severe setback and the global financial crisis reveals its weak financial situation from two aspects. First, the economy structure of Greece is relatively single, which means the growth of its economy is instable. Second, the debt investment strategies of National Bank have produces a great burden to the Greek economy. However, the global financial crisis just pushed the exposing of the financial problem of Greece and the country overspent and failed to tell to the European Union the actual size of its ballooning deficit are the primary cause. Furthermore, the European Union also did not review the figures sent in by Athens properly. Long term solutions The Greek sovereign debt crisis stimulated the process of the form of EU financial regulatory system. The explosion of U.S. financial crisis has made Europeans understand that the European financial regulatory did not consist with the market integration process. The leaders of European Union have made significant strategies for ensuring fiscal stability in the long term. Currently, in order to avoid a possible domino effect caused by Greek crisis and to avoid a weak euro, the member state of the European Union, on the one hand, require that the Greece itself must cut spending on a wide range, on the other hand, the member state ask to speed the reform of EU financial market up and strengthen the financial regulatory system on the level of European Union and its members. In order to establish financial regulatory system and its associated measures, there are three primary aspects to focus on: first, the financial regulation of the EU members, strictly control and limit the problem of debt overweight. Second, it is necessary to strengthen financial supervision to prevent the speculation by speculators. Third, it is crucial to solve the institutional structure problem of Euro itself. These three must collaborate and communication with each other. Financial regulatory institution In order to strengthen European financial regulatory reform, the EU commission proposed to establish â€Å"European Systemic Risk Council† on the macro level and â€Å"European System of Financial Supervision† on the micro level. The main responsibilities are: establishing regulatory policy at the macro level and conveying to European regulatory bureau or providing early stage risk warning; to compare the observation of the development of macroeconomic and to propose dominant policy in correspond to the change of the supervision. For instance, responsible for collecting〠 analysing financial stability information, publishing risk warning, to take overall regional action when one country has encountered difficulty and hardly deal with it. It aim to solve a major drawback which is exposed by the financial crisis, the financial system is helpless when the systematic risk is complex, associated and between department and cross – department. Emergency system in phase In order to solve the Greek crisis, the EU and its members use emergency  relief instrument to manage debt crisis. The main emergency systems in stage are: establishing â€Å"European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism† and â€Å"European Financial Stability Facility†. Above all, all the instruments and measures are to ensure that the union is able to deal with the debt crisis and also to ensure such crisis will not happen in the future. My comments I would like to make a comment on the European problem of the Greek crisis. It seems that the Greek government is unable to deal with its budget and is incapable to reduce public spending and increase tax revenues. Since the introduction of the EURO, the financial situation is worsened every year. In my opinion, as Greek crisis has become a European one, i do believe Europe is taking fundamental economic reforms which are necessary to copy with the imbalance of the Greek financial crisis. Conclusion As mentioned above, the Greek crisis and the institutional measures introduced by the EU have provided significant experience for worldwide in dealing with the global financial crisis. First, all crisis has its latency and incentives, it is important to prevent the source in order to prevent the financial crisis and the sovereign debt crisis. Second, the financial crisis and the sovereign debt crisis have brought an opportunity to the reform of the world monetary system and the financial system, it also a challenge for the leading position of US dollar. From the development of the European integration process, each crisis has pushed the innovation and improvement of the system of EU in the past and lead to European integration ultimately. The development of the European integration could say that is a process of overcoming the crisis constantly and innovation of system continuously. References Antonis Antoniadis, 2010. Debt Crisis as a Global Emergency: The European Economic Constitution and Other Greek Fables Dell’Ariccia, Giovanni & Detragiache, Enrica & Rajan, Raghuram, 2008. â€Å"The real effect of banking crises,† Matthew Lynn, 2010. Bust: Greece, the Euro and the Sovereign Debt Crisis Martin Feldstein, 2011. Greek default is just a matter of when, not if. In: Financial Times. (24.06.11)

Friday, September 13, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 42

Case Study - Essay Example Consequently, it facilitates identification of weaknesses and threats that may hinder production of superior commodities. It is imperative for administrators to perform a comprehensive evaluation of operations in Heir Corporation based on SWOT guidelines to enable the establishment of growth oriented business policies. Haier, which is an electronic producing institution in china, has an outstanding human resource management history. The company practices conventional human administration principles that borrow its ideals from the integrated Japanese supervision philosophy, US innovation guidelines and aspects of traditional Chinese culture. The policies are set with an aim of building cohesive working relations and teamwork, which are crucial for institutional advancement. Indeed, Haier Company has adopted noble performance management human resource (PMHR) policies that steer its growth. It sets the policies to boost interaction levels, worker recognition, morale advancement and employee empowerment. The critical issues that fosters PMHR that the institution tackles includes Haier in its human resource management guideline adopts motivational practices that facilitate employee satisfaction and improve performance. The company remunerates its employees well with job security that boosts performance (Donna, 2010). Consequently, it practices transparency, fairness and justice without sheer discrimination. These aspects remain a major human capital administration issues that influence performance if not addressed amicably. Going global is a performance and human resource practice that expands an institutions network and employees scope of deployment. Globalization signifies growth that most employees normally anticipate. Employees are motivated by growth prospects of institutions since it guarantees their job stability and advancement. Haier Company has advanced its

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Act of Identity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Act of Identity - Assignment Example Whites are attracted by blacks’ cultural differences generated by mainstream social constructions despite being seen as a forbidden narrative, as well as a symbol of rebellion. He identified himself with hip-hop culture, wore baggy jeans, a reverse baseball cap, designer sneakers, as well as developing a taste to rap music. He interacted a lot with blacks and even changed the way he spoke and imitated the AAVE just like African American. Mike even criticized groups he viewed as anti-African American, such as Jews and Koreans. He even accused his mother of being racists by referring to one of his African American childhood friend as Negro (Cutler, 316). This shows how strongly he valued African Americans despite his mother’s dislike of the blacks. Moreover, he felt the name Negro was more offensive and hurting, and since he was fond of his childhood friend, he never wanted any form of hurt directed at him. He tried to associate with poverty in order to prove his authenti city to hip–hop. Therefore, by identifying with the African American culture, Mike wanted to be unique from other whites who were discriminating against the blacks. Moreover, he felt the need to socialize and study or learn the African American culture, as he wanted to lead that particular life. Mike even began using drugs and joined groups of gangs, thus making him collide with police. Another gang group broke his arms. At the age of 15, despite joining another private high school, he continued to use AAVE and hip hop terms like yo, I’ m sayin’ even though he now had modified his speech and was heading towards a better English (Cutler, 315). This showed that he used associated with the African American culture as a form of getting entertainment. Since he belonged to various African American gang groups, he intended to get friends who could help him realize his self. Therefore, he got entertained from activities of the group. Even though at one point he got inju red, he never abandoned the group despite his mother’s plea. Contrastingly, despite abandoning his former lifestyle, never shed the gangster image but still get involved in violent actions and confrontations. 2) Dowdy’s mother expected them to embrace colonization in order to become successful and to up hold their uncle’s image and family status. She argued that as survivors of the long years of slavery, the only way of ensure prosperity is by adopting the British language (Dowdy 2). Moreover, Dowd’s country had many expectations from the colonists. For instance, their books had to be published by British publication houses while the best student writing had to read by foreign audiences such as General of Certificate of Education in London (Dowdy 4). The newspapers in Trinidad had to be produced in the best English in order to enable the Majesty to read despite having got independence twelve years ago. Her mother also expected them to learn ballet, take p iano lessons, join choirs, and dress in the best way as per British fashion. However, the more she tried to please her mother, grandmother, and teachers, the more she got alienated from her friends and peers. Despite speaking the Queen’s language fluently, she frequently got mocked by her friends thus, making her feel lonely and in a different world from peers. For instance while my friends used Trinidadian to express their innermost thoughts and desires, she used the Queen’s language to please her family members and teacher and thus, lived in two different countries. She claims that the colonizer valued the native language for the colonized for entertainment. It underrates the colonizers language. Therefore, the successful colonized person remains in two worlds, the