Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd ) - 1579 Words

Tavis Daluz-Cates Mrs. Cellini Genetics Period E 5/5/2016 Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder What is it? Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a disorder that occurs in the brain that results in a lack of attention and an impulse of hyperactivity. This can interfere with the person’s development and functioning. People who suffer from ADHD show patterns of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. In children, ADHD is shown to be more common in boys than in girls. Some studies report a high ratio of boys to girls. The inattentive type of ADHD is found more commonly in girls than in boys. People who have ADHD as children usually maintain the full diagnosis into adulthood. Even if they don t the children will have some residual symptoms of ADHD as adults. Families who have children with ADHD experience much higher anxiety and stress levels than families without. Many children will exhibit signs of ADHD by the age of four. However, most children are not diagnosed until they reaches elementary school. Living with ADHD can put children put at risk for a host of other problems and complications such as, alcohol and other drug abuse, completing their education, and an increased risk for delinquency. There has been been a lot of research on ADHD in recent years and many different types of medications and interventions have proven to be quite helpful or at least lessen the severity of the symptoms. With the properShow MoreRelatedAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )1145 Words   |  5 Pages Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder To Medicate or Not to Medicate with Adderall? Meghan L. Gonzales National University Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder To Medicate or Not to Medicate with Adderall? The medical world has noticed several changes and improvements during the past century, but maybe none that s as economically rewarding afterward the prescription drug business. New medications turn-up regularRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )1162 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is ADHD? â€Å"Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood† (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). ADHD in real terms is the inability to focus. Several people have describe people with ADHD as skirmish, talkative, and have trouble waiting. ADHD has been previously described as ADD (attention deficit disorder) but the only difference is the â€Å"H†. This â€Å"H† describes how this disorder deals with hyperactivityRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay1139 Words   |  5 Pagesreasons are simple: Kids get bored easily. This, however, is only mostly true. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a disorder that causes a lack of attention in those who have it, including adults. Though it is easily spotted in children due to abundant mounts of energy and a high lack of focus, many adults who have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder don’t know they have it. Although Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is growing more and more common among teens and children today, throughRead MoreAttention Deficit / Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )1166 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder (ADHD) has become one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorders in children and adolescent. â€Å"ADHD is defined as a chronic condition marked by persistent inattention, hyperactivity, and sometimes impulsivity.† (Disney, 1999) There is concern about the possible connection between ADHD to substance use and abuse, during childhood and adolescence, since it is such an important developmental stage in life. â€Å"Substance abuse disorder is definedRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )963 Words   |  4 Pages Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Mizeldrick K. Marshall Holmes Community College Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurobehavioral disorder most commonly diagnosed in children. Children can be diagnosed as early as the age of 7. Boys and girls can be diagnosed with ADHD but this disorder is seen more in the behavior of boys. Adults can also develop symptoms and be diagnosed as well. It was originally called hyperkineticRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )1664 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), is a neurobehavioral disorder of the brain. Textbooks typically depict an individual with ADHD as one who is inattentive, highly distractible, unable to contain stimuli, disorganized and exhibits excessive motor activity (Townsend Morgan, 2017, p. 636). It is easy to define a person by their impulsivity; however, it is difficult to try and understand the reasons behind the behavioral patterns that come along with this disorder. Blake TaylorRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay1355 Words   |  6 Pages Attention-deficit hyperactive disorder is a neuro-behavioral disorder typically seen in children. Over the past several years’ attention-deficit hyperactive disorder seems to be on the rise. Since 2011, eleven percent of children ranging from ages four to seventeen were diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (Children with ADHD et. Al. 2016). Attention-deficit hyperactive disorder is a difficult disorder to diagnosis, but once the disorder is diagnosed there are ways to manageRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )754 Words   |  4 Pageschildren who are hyperactive. In contrast to Goodman and Scott (1997), I believe hyperactivity does not necessarily occur due to lack of control. There may be high volumes of hyperactivity that can be controlled through behaviour management strategies (BMS) such as positive reinforcement, self-awareness procedures, and classroom management. Varma (1993). Schachar (1991) suggests that hyperactivity is not recognised as a diagnosis in itself, but is a fundamental component of several disorders such as AttentionRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )1210 Words   |  5 PagesADD/ADHD, better known as Attention Deficit Disorder/ Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, is a growing disorder in children and adults alike in the United States. So many people have this disorder now a days that it isn’t a rare thing for a child to be diagnosed with it. In this paper I will go over the cause of ADD/ ADHD, the details about what it actually is and how it affects people, when you need to have the child checked for this disorder, and the many signs and symptoms of ADD/ ADHD disorderRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )992 Words   |  4 Pagesmedical ordeal. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or ADHD is one out of two of the neurobehavioral disorders that inhibits an individual from focusing on one task at a time. According to fusion.nets article What Adderall does to your brain In the US alone roughly 6.4 million kids and 10 million adults suffer from ADHD. Adderall, Concerta, Vyvanse and Ritalin are just a few of the prescription based stimulant amphetamines pharmaceutical companies have made available to help treat ADHD and ADD disorders

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

My Transformation Story - 1353 Words

I grew up as a young man in Lagos Nigeria, learning the values of hard work, contentment, focus and integrity from my mum, who singlehandedly raised I and my two sisters, having lost our dad when she was just twenty eight and just as I neared my third birthday. However, as I grew up, it was discovered that I was a very absentminded and forgetful kid, who secretly hated schooling, but was very vocal, inquisitive, loved to read autobiographies write articles and debate with classmates and teachers and quite surprisingly, I did quite well in elementary School and even was best student in the entrance examination into secondary school. I learnt from childhood that to succeed in life I should study hard, graduate, get a good job and work at†¦show more content†¦On the insistence of a close friend and with the support of my mentor, I returned to Yaba College of Technology and obtained a Higher National Diploma from the same department and graduated top of the class. During the p rogramme, the College closed for a full academic year and I took a job again in a start- up Estate Surveying firm, where I was responsible for major assignments. My mentor advised me to formulate plans for my working years and work towards becoming an entrepreneur eventually. I began to dream of running my own firm someday, but didn’t know how it would happen. As I prepared for graduation, I got a job as a Facility Manager and Project Liaison officer with a construction firm and worked there for three years, serving meritoriously, but the job was not demanding and as I was getting patronage from old friends and even my employers, I started my Property Services Company on the side. In June 2010, my employers decided that they wanted to relocate abroad fulltime and stop operations and since it was sudden, I had nothing to do but to commence running my company fulltime and have become quite successful, overcoming my start- up challenges, growing the company, learning from adversity and providing employment for myself and a few others and most importantly, earning respect and admiration of clients. The most interesting part of my story is that I have served as a major source of motivation to some old classmates and otherShow MoreRelatedJames Baldwin s Short Sonny s Blues And Raymond Carver1132 Words   |  5 PagesJames Baldwin’s sho rt Sonny’s Blues and Raymond Carver short story Cathedral. The main focus of the story is realization. In both stories the main characters are challenged with situations in which they must break free of their judgments. Both characters undergo a transformation and views life through the eyes of another character. 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The narratorRead MoreThe Theme Of Change And Transformation In The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho1382 Words   |  6 Pagesfollows the journey of Santiago on his quest to not only follow his Personal Legend, but also to discover a world full of changes and transformations. Looking at this story at first glance might give you the feel that it will be about a boy on a quest filled with the expected trials that test his heart, strength, and character. Elements like this are present, however, the story makes the reader think deeply about the motif dealing with following the signs the universe gives. This is due to various symbolsRead More Transformations in Ovids Metamorphosis Essay1367 Words   |  6 Pages Transformations in Ovids Metamorphosis Transformations from one shape or form into another are the central theme in Ovids Metamorphoses. The popularity and timelessness of this work stems from the manner of story telling. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Includes Suggestion By The Project Manager-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Questions: What Is Going On? What Are The Facts? What Are The Issues? Who Is Affected? What Are The Ethical Issues And The Associated Implications? What Can Be Done About It? What Are The Options That May Be Used? Answers: 1.The scenario that has been selected for the case study includes the suggestion by the Project Manager to the Program Director to go ahead with the early launch of the project without the encryption. It has been suggested by the Project Manager on the recommendation of the CEO in order to gain more revenues and business opportunities (Youtube, 2017). 2.The Project Manager is not sure about the implications that the project may have in case of the absence of encryption from the project. Program Director; however, understands that the delivery of the project without encryption may lead to some serious implications such as security attacks and difficulties to the users (Bergold Thomas, 2012). 3.The CEO and the project client have urged to the Project Manager for early launch of the project. The Program Director has informed the manager regarding the issues such as security implications that may emerge (Heeney, 2016). The Manager has recommended that the fixes may be provided in the first security update. However, the delay in the inclusion of encryption can lead to violation of security and may impact the privacy of information (Glover, 2009). 4.Project Manager and his team will be affected as the early launch will lead to the impressive results in the beginning but occurrence of errors will be the accounting and responsibility of the project team. Project client will be affected as the decision to delay the launch may lead to adverse impact on the reputation (Birkholm, 2016).End users will also be affected as their information and data may be put to risk. Character Ethics 5.There are many ethical theories that have been defined and one of such theories is the theory of Character Ethics. As per the principles of this ethical theory, an activity can be termed as ethically correct only when the virtues that are involved are positive and lead to happiness. In this case, the Project Manager is willing to launch the project earlier due to personal benefits and selfish interests as it will provide him with better business opportunities. The Manager is ignoring the implications that his decision may have on the associated parties (Annas, 2014). Therefore, as per the principles of the theory of Character Ethics, the act included in the case study is not justified and is not correct as per the ethical principles. Theory of Consequentialism It is an ethical theory that says that the consequences of a particular activity determine the ethical justification of an activity. If the consequences that come out from an act are positive and cause benefits to all then the act is ethically correct and vice versa. In this case, if the decision is taken to go ahead with the early launch of the project without the encryption included in it, it may have negative consequences. The early launch will lead to the appreciation by the CEO and the project client to the project team and the project manager. However, in case of security implications, the client will get to know that the delivered project was defected and the same will lead to decreased customer trust and poor reputation in the market (Hoeyer, 2012). Since, the consequences that have been observed are negative in nature; the ethical correctness of the act cannot be justified. The act is ethically incorrect as per the theory of Consequentialism. Deontology Ethics This is the ethical theory that says that the act shall be based upon the rules and regulations that are defined in association with it. If the act does not maintain the adherence to the rules and guidelines, then the act cannot be termed as ethically correct (Mandal, Ponnambath, Parija, 2016). The primary rule of any project is to make sure that the customer and business requirements are met. Also, as per the rules of business and professional ethics, it is necessary to ensure that the professional and ethical codes of conduct are also met. There is a clear violation of all of these rules in this case and therefore, the act is ethically incorrect as per the theory of Deontology ethics. 6.The Project Manager must communicate the CEO and the project client regarding an important functionality that is missing which may lead to some of the severe security implications. A meeting shall be held with the Project Manager, Program Director and other project resources regarding the minimal time that may be taken to include encryption in the project (Ehrbar, 2015). 7.The following options may be used in this case: There shall be a revision of the project strategies and schedule to understand the least amount of time that may be taken to include encryption in the project. The Project Manager may seek for additional resources to speed up the tasks in order to fulfill the clients wish to receive the project earlier than the due date. If the time required to complete the project along with the encryption exceeds the earlier due date in all the scenarios, the Project Manager shall clearly communicate the security implications that the project may result in. Also, the plan to deliver the security update in the earliest fix shall also be informed. Conclusion Business ethics and professional code of conduct are the two parameters and necessities that must be reflected in all of the business processes and activities. In the case study, the Project Manager is looking at the immediate results that he will experience in terms of satisfied customer and increased business opportunities. However, in the long run, the decision may prove to be wrong as the project may experience security violations and other adverse results. The project resources must therefore understand that the use of incorrect and unethical practices will always lead to damage and loss. The business activities must be executed with utmost honest and correctness. References Annas, J. (2014). Applying Virtue to Ethics. Retrieved 9 August 2017, from Bergold, J. Thomas, S. (2012). Participatory Research Methods: A Methodological Approach in Motion. Retrieved 9 August 2017, from Birkholm, K. (2016). HYLE 22-1 (2016): The Ethical Judgment: Chemical Psychotropics. Retrieved 9 August 2017, from Ehrbar, J. (2015). Ethical Considerations of Genetic Manipulation in Sport. The Sport Journal. Retrieved 9 August 2017, from Glover, J. (2009). Doing  Ethics in Rural Health Care Institutions. Retrieved from Heeney, C. (2016). An Ethical Moment  in Data Sharing - May 13, 2016. Retrieved 9 August 2017, from Hoeyer, K. (2012). Transgressive ethics: Professional work ethics as a perspective on aggressive organ harvesting - Oct 26, 2012. Retrieved 9 August 2017, from Mandal, J., Ponnambath, D., Parija, S. (2016). Utilitarian and deontological ethics in medicine. Retrieved 9 August 2017, from Youtube. (2017). Scenario 3: Early Launch. YouTube. Retrieved 9 August 2017, from

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The study of a panda Essay Example

The study of a panda Paper The panda is black and white, like a bear in shape, but different. Things to remember in the last hour before the exam: Life processes at the cellular level (This is not a revision sheet youve done that by now Its a list of things you might want to remind yourself about 1. Cell parts. Most structures/organelles common to animal and plant cells. [P] = plants only C] Cytoplasm transparent Jelly ? cells activities occur here CLC Cell/plasma membrane regulates movement of materials in/out of cell. SELECTIVELY permeable. Phosphoric belayed. Phosphate heads (hydrophilic) face inside cell/outside cell. Fatty acid tails of lipids (hydrophobic) to interior. Small molecules e. G. Water diffuse through. Larger ones transported via protein channels. 0 Nucleus cell control centre, controls metabolism via enzymes. Contains genetic info DNA. Chromosomes only visible when cell is dividing. Contains nucleolus makes RNA and ribosome. Cell wall [P] protects cell gives strength and support. Is permeable and made of cellulose. Controls turgidity (can resist high internal pressures without stretching). 0 Chloroplasts [P] site of photosynthesis, contain chlorophyll green light-trapping pigment. Elongated shape maximizes S. A. To volume ratio, Increasing uptake of CO and H2O uptake and output of 02 and glucose (photosynthetic capacity). Chlorophyll molecules embedded In grand (stacks of ethylated membrane) more S. A. More chlorophyll = Max. Amount of light captured = more photosynthesis. Surrounded by stoma enzymes and water. 0 Large (central) vacuole [P] large and permanent structure containing cell sap (salts, sugars, amino acids). Salts in sap produce strong tendency for water to enter cell (by osmosis) keeping cell turgid. We will write a custom essay sample on The study of a panda specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The study of a panda specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The study of a panda specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Vacuole displaces cytoplasm to edges of cell meaning chloroplasts are close to CO and light. Also short gas diffusion distances. 0 Mitochondria site of aerobic respiration. Enzymes attached to Cristal (membranes folded to Increase the S. A. = greater # of enzymes) produce ATOP (adenosine troposphere). Occur In high numbers In cells with large energy needs e. G. Sperm muscle cells. 0 Googol flat disc shaped sacs modify and package proteins C] ERE: Rough has bound ribosome (site of protein synthesis) makes proteins and transports proteins to Googol. Smooth has free ribosome makes steroids, lipids and hormones 2. Specialized cells perform specialized functions in multicultural organisms. Examples include: 0 Guard cells form stoma (small opening in epidermis) when turgid. Turgid = crescent moon shaped, flaccid = oval shape. Thick inner walls help them open/close stoma. Allow CO and 02 in and out. Also main route of H2O loss via transpiration. Swelling of vacuole controls opening/closing. Contain chloroplasts. 0 Palisade cells long, thin column shaped cells many can fit close together. Contain MANY chloroplasts. Cells arranged vertically so light passes through less cell walls to cells beneath. 0 Spongy mesosphere (beneath palisade layer) has more rounded not so tightly packed cells. Large Intracellular alarm spaces maximizes diffusion rate of gases during photosynthesis. (CO In 02 out). CLC Root hair cells Long and thin extension at one end with thin cell to vastly increase S. A. For absorbing small BIOLOGY Dont forget to throw this away DO NOT take it into the exam by mistake We dont want you disqualified by mistake 3. Movement. Three main mechanisms. Diffusion: Movement of substances from high concentration to low concentration along a concentration gradient which exists until diffused substance is evenly distributed. Passive movement. E. G: CO diffusing in / 02 out of leaf (through tomato). Note: can occur Just in solutions, as well as across membranes. 0 Osmosis: Movement of H2O from high concentration of H2O to a low con. Of H2O water through semi/selectively permeable membrane ( from a more dill. Solution to a more con. Solution). Passive movement. E. G. Absorbing water through plant roots, kidney tubules reabsorbing water. Active transport: Movement from a low con. To a high con. Energy is required. E. G. Absorption of MGM by roots, glucose uptake in intestines. 4. Enzymes. Protein molecules acts as biological catalysts increase rate of reactions. Substrate = molecule the enzyme acts. Increase in substrate concentration = increase in rate up to a maximum. Enzymes are specific have AD shape with unique active site only work on a particular substrate. Function best in particular conditions e. G. An optimum temperature and optimal PH. (function poorly outside these). At very low temperatures, enzyme action slow; as temp. Increases reaction rate increases (more collisions/time) BUT at high temperatures enzyme is denatured (peptide chains unravel active site is lost enzyme is permanently inactive). CIO every ICC rise enzyme activity approve.. Doubles. Co-enzymes complete the active tit essential to enzyme action. Inhibitors (poisons) combine with active site to prevent enzyme function. 5. Photosynthesis. Needs CO via stomata, H2O via roots and xylem, sunlight and chlorophyll. CHIC + AH 0 C6H1206 + 602. Sunlight needed as source of (solar) energy. Rate affected by light: more light = more photosynthesis up to point where plant is at Max. Photosynthesis level any increase in light intensity wont affect the plant further. Rate at midday >early morning [evening. No photosynthesis at night. Rate in summer > winter. Temperature affects rate. 6. (Aerobic) Respiration. C6H1206 602 0 CHIC + AH. Breakdown of glucose occurs in 2 steps glycoside in cytoplasm, then Krebs/citric acid cycle in the matrix of the mitochondria and electron transport system on Cristal of mitochondria. Energy from food (from breakdown of glucose and fatty acids) converts ADAPT + P 0 ATOP. ATOP = the energy carrier / energy in a usable form. ATOP is broken down elsewhere to ADAPT + P releasing useful energy for cellular work. 7. Cell division. 0 A cell cycles between periods of cell division, growth, normal activity (enterprise) and back to division. DNA replication occurs DNA makes exact copy of itself prior to ell division so there is a full set of genetic information available in each cell after division then preparation for mitosis then mitosis. The cycle repeats. DNA contains code for synthesis of proteins in its base sequences. All cells need the code to synthesis essential proteins for the cell to grow and carry out its role. DNA must replicate accurately so all new cells have a complete copy of the code. 0 Key steps. DNA helix unwinds, two strands unzip between bases, new nucleotides Join to the enzymes. Base pairing (A-T and C-G) essential provides mechanism accurately making two identical DNA molecules.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

internet and travel essays

internet and travel essays In the past ten to twenty years the internet has opened up a world one could have never have imagined. It has made the inconvenience of everyday life convenient. People can do just about anything one the internet today, one thing in particular is arranging travel. There are many issues associated with arranging travel on the internet, such as; security, price, e-tickets, and convenience. I have conducted research on the following three web sites, , . and . I have found these web sites have many accomodating features to help plan your vacation from start to finish. Firstly, the matter of security is probably the most important. If a consumer is revealing personal information or credit card numbers on the internet , that person wants to be sure the information is secure. All of the web sites researched have their policy pages which outline the security policies of that particular web site. To start with, is a member of TRUSTe, an independent, non-profit initiative that exists to help people feel confident about using the internet. TRUSTe aims to build this confidence by promoting the principles of disclosure and fair information practices among web sites that participate in the program. Principle 1 states that, sites will explicitly ask when they need information that personally identifies you, 2 says that, sites and their necessary service partners use your personal information to operate the sites and services and to inform you of new features, services, and products from Microsoft and its affiliates, 3 states, if a web si te intends to use personal information for a Secondary Use, the site will provide you with instructions on how to decline the service, 4 says, sites that are primarily directed at children will not use Personal Information for a secondary use without obtaining the consent of a parent or gaurdain...

Friday, November 22, 2019

House Calls - The Metaphors of Dr. Gregory House

House Calls - The Metaphors of Dr. Gregory House Before you can ask if theres a metaphor in the house, Dr. Gregory House will oblige: Have you guys heard any of my metaphors yet? Well come on, sit on grandpas lap as I tell you how infections are criminals; immune systems the police. Seriously, Grumpy, get up here: itll make us both happy.(Dr. Gregory House in the Mirror, Mirror episode of House, M.D.) Over the course of several years, the names of a dozen writers have appeared in the credits to the Fox TV program House, M.D. Each, it appears, owns a well-thumbed copy of the Merck Manual of Medical Information. And by now all must be collaborating on a new edition of the Dictionary of Metaphors. As regular viewers are aware, the shows deeply disturbed protagonist (played by Hugh Laurie) is inclined to deliver inflammatory eructations of festering figures of speech. Houses Medical Metaphors At times House relies on metaphors to translate complex medical conditions into language that his colleagues (and other true idiots) can understand. Cervical lymph node is a garbage dump. Very small onejust one truck comes, and it only comes from one home. Al Gore would be appalled. (97 Seconds)Saying there appears to be some clotting is like saying theres a traffic jam ahead. Is it a ten-car pile-up, or just a really slow bus in the center lane? And if it is a bus, is that bus thrombotic or embolic? I think I pushed the metaphor too far. (Euphoria, Part 1)Dr. House: You know, when the Inuit go fishing, they dont look for fish.Dr. Wilson: Why, Dr. House?Dr. House: They look for the blue heron, because theres no way to see the fish. But if theres fish, theres gonna be birds fishing. Now, if hes got hairy-cell, what else are we gonna see circling overhead? (Role Model)Dr. House: As far as youre concerned, the patient is Osama bin Laden, and everyone not in this room is Delta Force. Any questions?Applicant #11: Were protecting Osama bin Laden?Dr. House: Its a metaphor. Get used to it. (The Right Stuff)The tumor is Afghanistan, the c lot is Buffalo. Does that need more explanation? OK, the tumor is Al-Qaeda. We went in and wiped it out, but it had already sent out a splinter cella small team of low-level terrorists quietly living in some suburb of Buffalo, waiting to kill us all. . . . It was an excellent metaphor. Angio her brain for this clot before it straps on an explosive vest. (Autopsy) The liver is like a cruise ship taking in water. As it starts to sink, it sends out an SOS. Only instead of radio waves, it uses enzymes. The more enzymes in the blood, the worse the liver is. But once the ship has sunk, theres no more SOS. You think the livers fine, but its already at the bottom of the sea. (Locked In)Dr. Cameron: Idiopathic T-cell deficiency?Dr. House: Idiopathic, from the Latin meaning were idiots cause we cant figure out whats causing it. Give him a whole body scan.Dr. Cameron: You hate whole body scans.Dr. House: Cause theyre useless. Could probably scan every one of us and find five different doodads that look like cancer. But, when youre fourth down, 100 to go, in the snow, you dont call a running play up the middle. Unless youre the Jets.Dr. Cameron: I hate sports metaphors. (Role Model) But House is generally more intent on frightening than on edifying. As he once said: The point of metaphors is to scare people from doing things by telling them that something much scarier is going to happen than what will really happen. God, I wish I had a metaphor to explain that better. (All In) At other times the House metaphor is nothing more than a comic exercise in doctor-patient incivility. Once, after discovering that a young man had attempted self-circumcision with a utility knife, House snapped, Stop talking. Im going to get a plastic surgeon. To get the Twinkie back in the wrapper. House Metaphors About Life in General Of course, House himself is a walking, or rather limping metaphorhis crippled leg an emblem of his deformed spirit. And his acerbic metaphorical remarks may be read as symptoms of an undiagnosed malady. No, there is not a thin line between love and hate. There is, in fact, a Great Wall of China with armed sentries posted every twenty feet between love and hate. (Occams Razor)Dr. Wilson: Beauty often seduces us on the road to truth.Dr. House: And triteness kicks us in the nads. (Occams Razor)Lies are a tool: they can be used either for good orno, wait, Ive got a better one. Lies are like children: hard work, but theyre worth it because the future depends on them. (Its A Wonderful Lie)Dr. House: Nothing matters. Were all just cockroaches, wildebeests dying on the river bank. Nothing we do has any lasting meaning.Evan Greer: And you think Im miserable?Dr. House: If youre unhappy on the plane, jump out of it.Evan Greer: I want to, but I cant.Dr. House: Thats the problem with metaphors. They need interpretation. Jumping out of the plane is stupid.Evan Greer: But what if Im not in a plane? What if Im just in a place I dont want to be?Dr. House: Thats the other problem with metaphors. Yes, what if youre actually in an ice cream truck, and outside are candy and flowers and virgins? Youre on a plane! Were all on planes. Life is dangerous and complicated, and its a long way down. (Living the Dream) You know me. Hostility makes me shrink up like a . . .. I can’t think of a non-sexual metaphor. (Spin)You know its all nice when people start to dig these holes, but then they start to live in these holes and get angry when someone pushes dirt into those holes. Come out of your holes, people! (House vs. God)Dr. House: Im a night owl, Wilsons an early bird. Were different species.Dr. Cuddy: Then move him into his own cage.Dr. House: Wholl clean the droppings from mine? (Sleeping Dogs Lie) Every now and then, however, House finds himself on the wrong side of a metaphor, as in this exchange with a young patient: Dr. House: Are you going to base your whole life on who youre stuck in a room with?Eve the Patient: Im going to base this moment on who I am stuck in a room with! Its what life is. Its a series of rooms, and who we get stuck in those rooms with, adds up to what our lives are.(​ One Day, One Room) And how does House respond to the womans metaphor? As he must, by silentlyand literallywalking out of the room.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Social Science Research Issue of Identity Essay

Social Science Research Issue of Identity - Essay Example The process of coming out with an apt definition of social identity is much tougher than the one involved in specifying the aforesaid identities, based on biology and physiology. The reason for this is, it is a highly intricate mental process of an individual that makes them develop a specific social identity – it is a process starting from as early as the childhood. Here, many external social factors and influences also do come into play. To elaborate more, the identity that a person develops as belonging to a particular culture or religion and gender is attributable to exposure to the concerned influences, almost right from the time of birth. On the other hand, identities like those that speak of political affiliations, feeling of being a part of some organization, etc, are developed in the later stages of life. Generally, the identity obtained during the younger days, primarily due to family influence, is retained by an individual throughout their lifetime. Here, it needs t o be added that, various experiences an individual faces in life, both pleasant and also otherwise, could make them adopt new identities.Now, the focus would shift to the vital aspect of the manner in which social science researchers are necessitated to design the questions pertaining to their study, based on the identity of the group or people to be interviewed. Though the topic of research could be the same, yet, it is of paramount relevance that the questions and also the pattern in which they are asked need to be modified.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Research on Financial Statement Restatement and Ethics Paper

On Financial Statement Restatement and Ethics - Research Paper Example The company restated its position on august 1, 2012 stating that the financial records were not fit for their purpose in compliance with general accounting and reporting standards (Cubic Corporation, 2008). One of the impending reasons that can lead to the restatement as witnessed by the recent restatement is correcting errors. It forms one of the most common reasons for financial restatement (Cubic Corporation, 2008). It happens after the release of the financial statements. Consequently, errors are found by the company or the auditor. If the error margin is observed as material to financial statements, the statements are to be corrected and re-issued to the users. Materiality is determined if the statements will lead to the users coming to incorrect conclusions in their analysis (Taub, 2006). Another reason is the changes in GAAP. If a change in the current accounting methods brings about a change in the prior year’s statements in the case of retroactive application, the statements are required to be restated (Taub, 2005). As such, it ensures that no statement is changed over the course arises from a change in the accounting policy in use. For instance, the company chose to switch from a first-in-first-out inventory costing policy to a last-in-first-out. Consequently, the statements in the previous period must be restated in order to follow the new policy. Changes in reporting entity also cause restatement of financial statements (Lee et al., 2006). In the case of a company transition from one set of ownership to a new one or the structure of ownership change in the current year and the change has an impact in the current financial statements reporting or disclosures, the prior period comparative statements must be restated. The restatement is made to facilitate a smooth transition such that the implication will be that the change occurred in the beginning of the current year (Plumlee & Yohn, 2008b). Restatement brings about

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Foreshadowing is the essential part of Steinbecks style in Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

Foreshadowing is the essential part of Steinbecks style in Of Mice and Men Essay Steinbeck, in my opinion, has one of the most unique styles of writing which is not only effective but also inspirational. The fact that he puts the whole plot and the ending right in front of us (at the beginning, in every section and even in the name) and we dont recognise it easily is truly fascinating. Hints of the grand finale could be found nearly everywhere in the novella. In the beginning of the play we learn that Lennie likes to pet soft things. He starts off by petting a mouse and then petting a puppy, of which he kills both as a result of his unrecognised brutal strength. The puppy was all innocent and fragile and Curleys wife was seen in the same way which foreshadows the killing of Curleys wife. The idea of Curleys wife knowing the history of Lennie with pets and his blindness about the strength he possesses and still allowing him to stroke her hair was particularly considered peculiar by me. The only way I managed to justify this was that perhaps she was unaware of the dangers at that particular time as she was too caught up in the moment of perhaps she wanted to be rid of her depressive and oppressive life. Perhaps she was just fed up of her failure of her dreams and living a life of such misery that she thought of death to be the only way out and maybe death by the hands of Lennie seemed like a good idea because he was still considered to be childish meaning the element of innocence could be attached to him. Foreshadowing plays a huge role in indicating towards the fact that Lennie wont make it alive to the end of the novella. The opening sets a pleasant mood to the story, it makes the world seem peaceful and lively then these feelings transforms into a darker and a much more sorrowful aura. The extract Ill put the old devil out of his misery right now was said by Carlson to Candy. This action foreshadows the death of Lennie; He can be personified as Candys dog as his main purpose is also to accompany George hence when Lennie/ the dog is of no use or has exceeded his limit then he will be put down. This also highlights one of the theories attached to this story in perspective; the idea of Darwins Survival of the fittest theory. The natural environment and settings could also emphasise Darwins theory as it was linked to nature but the quote also shows that a weak element in the food chain (Carlson) preys a weaker member of the food chain (the dog) and later on we learn that George (a weak member of the food chain) kills Lennie (a weaker member of the food chain in terms of mental abilities) regardless what the intents where. Furthermore, the death of Candys Dog and Lennie is pretty identical which can contribute to the method in which Lennie was murdered. The dog was shot in the head which was the same way Lennie was killed. The quotes I ought to of shot that dog myself and He wont even feel it. shows that the idea of George killing Lennie himself rather than getting some else to do it is being suggested to George. Additionally, the second quotes highlights that its all for the best and this action is being taken for the greater good. In Addition, I should have done it myself said by Candy also suggests and foreshadows that George will be the murderer of Lennie. Candy realised afterwards and in a way regretted that he didnt kill his dog, his best companion, himself, in the same George wouldnt want Curley to kill Lennie so he would commit the murder himself. This could be considered a gesture of loyalty and love that now Lennie wouldnt have to suffer anymore or it could also be a sign that George was just fed up of carrying Lennies burden around on his back. In my judgement, I would question Georges actions because I believe there are always other ways of getting around the situation and who gave George the right to take someones life. In conclusion, the element of foreshadowing is the main and one of the most important techniques which the novella is based on. Foreshadowing and hints of the future aspects of the story could be found at nearly every stage of the novella and I think that this doesnt only make the story interesting but it also clamps the reader in deeper and deeper, it makes a readers hunger to find out the ending even more and more. In my opinion, Of Mice and Men is one of the most inspiring storys Ive read not only plot and content wise but also writers techniques wise.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Negative Effects of Knowledge in Becketts Waiting for Godot and Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five :: comparison compare contrast essays

The Negative Effects of Knowledge in Beckett's Waiting for Godot and Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five The whole of our existence seems to often be that of scientific advancement. Technology and the cold, hard facts are often placed above human values. A country's, or an individual's, power is marked by its technology, its "smarts." So everyone constantly strives to outsmart one another. Of course, with technology comes great power. The power to build and create and the power to destroy. Oftentimes the one leads to the other. Take for instance the creation of the atomic bomb, a huge leap in technology and knowledge that, once created, destroyed the lives of millions. Knowledge can be used for or against us, depending on who is holding the strings. Of course we want to be the ones holding those strings, standing behind the defenses of our war weapons, but what if the tables were turned and our "smarts" and technology could not save us? Is there something else that can be taken from this world besides this scientific advancement? What is it that civilization needs besides more and bette r machines and more insight into the basic nature of the universe? Samuel Beckett's play Waiting for Godot asks that same question. Is there more to life than simply knowing things? The two main characters, Vladimir and Estragon, seem not to know anything at all, even the reason why they come to the same tree to wait everyday for someone named Godot. They constantly have to remind one another why they are there and waiting. Is there really any purpose to their lives? Beckett seems to think that the answer, not only for Vladimir and Estragon, is no. There is no meaning to the monotonous existence that we put ourselves through day after day after day. If indeed Beckett is symbolizing God as the man Godot who the naà ¯ve fools constantly wait for, he is also insinuating that they are wasting their lives because Godot, or God, is never going to come. Either He does not really exist or He does not care enough about these poor, gullible fools to come. Beckett is trying to show that civilization needs to rid itself of its "misconceptions" about the existe nce of God; that these people who have "got religion" are wasting their time waiting around for a being that either does not exist or does not care. Either way, Beckett thinks they are wasting their time.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Parallels similarities between the experiences of womenmen in Gileadean and US society Essay

I would like to concur with Atwood that the Gilead society only exist in the land of Gilead alone, and such attributes are not witnessed in the basic American societies even though this concurrence is limited. I will begin by citing Atwood opinion. Firstly, the Gilead society transferred women wealth to their husbands or relatives. Thus, a woman was seen as a property and could not be allowed to own property since she was a property. This is not the case with contemporary US society where women can make significant macroeconomic decisions American women are leaders of large businesses, control large investments and even assume elective posts. I will, therefore, compare the identity issue to makes sure that you understand the differences between American societies and Gilead societies. Unlike in the American society, in the Gileadian society women were highly segregated from one another. For a woman to befriend a fellow woman that relationship was to be made public. As such, their husbands took women as properties. Thus, they expected women to consult them on what choices they would want to make in life. According to Atwood, Gileadian woman would wear uniforms coded to their functions. However, American women have independent decisions. They choose who and who not to relate with. Besides, Audience, Atwood believes that Gilead women were infertile, and they would help their husbands during insemination commonly known as ceremony. The women were only in charge of the household discipline, however, their freedoms since way the feel week they were left to die with no care at all. As well, the women were expected to provide subsequent child catering; as quoted; They would tell Bible stories for children and sing hymns. One of the women was called Serena Joy†¦..was expected to laugh and cry†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦in order to teach the children (16) Rather complex, the women of Gilead, who are seen handling complex administrative jobs, for instance, becoming police officers, are still considered properties of men they are working with. As such, the women become rigid, middle-aged who have internalized patriarchal values. In fact, Gilead women are dogmatized to live in a society that does not seem to care about their objectives. Similarly, women of Gilead operate re-education centers; however, they are not mandated to carry out critical decisions concerning education. However, this is not the case their American counterparts. American counterparts contribute positively towards the development of the society. Their decisions are independent. Similarly, the creation and destruction of property rights fundamentally presents legal challenges affecting the women of Gilead. Men, control the Gilead government. Gilead state captures wayward and loose women who can bear birth to the incoming generations; however, they fail to recognize the power and legitimacy of the new regime. Thus, their property is their self and freedoms and as illustrated earlier, the access to money. As a result, women become the property of their husbands if they have one or the state that has their discretion can dispatch them wherever they see them. In this case, males are in power to claim property rights in women who have been foiled. However, in America, women are not treated as fugitives in fact, they present an equal 50/50 power distribution and resources are shared evenly. Ironically, the Gilead regime pretends to respect the feminist philosophy in its treatment of women and the paints a picture of an utopian future that female society turnaround to become the sorority and prevent from being hurt. However, the patriarchy principles in Gilead embrace the paradox of protection in the imprisonment, where women face significant prejudices in the type of decisions that they make. This is not the case with the present American society. Joining Atwood, I prefer Aunt Lydia reflection on what freedom-to-freedom means. Ironically, the commander justifies the Gilead by claiming that women are relevant if they fulfill their biological duties. Literary the commander had married so many women, and had one ceremonial as Atwood is quoted saying At one, level was an almost a caricature of the banality of kitchen talk that could be a scene from a Pinter commender†¦But in the terror-filled austerity of the commander house, it is seductively comforting†¦.note the word seduction. (10) Such a doctrine is rapid, and it indicates how women are considered as a property of the Gilead men communities. American women consider giving birth as a service to the society and not necessary as a reward for a better life. Besides, American women consider giving birth as a way of giving back to the society positively. Equally, audience please be advised that the fascist Republic of Gilead, which differs the contemporary United States society assigns every woman to different classes of women: without their will to protest. The classes are as a follows: wives, belong to the married men who have a superior military rank. These women, despite their will, are treated fairly better than other counterparts are in the society. Secondly, the Gilead society assigns a second class of women, handmaid, econowives or Martha the role of reproduction and matrimony. These women, despite their will, are engaged into hard jobs serving the rich in one way, or another. The group is forcefully married to a lower rank military regime that does not have enough status to obtain a handmaid or aunts function. Even though ironically, Handmaids surrogate for the infertile heterosexuals, as well as, serving as women housekeepers and cooking nannies. To achieve that, the Gilead initiates a dogmatizing religious program, one tha t ordains the reproduction where multiple doctrines are enacted to affirm the system of social rituals. Members, such as absurd society does not exist in America. On the contrary, in America, women are empowered to make decisions concerning the sexuality. As quoted saying †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦The flesh arranges itself differently. I am a cloud congealed around a central object, the shape of a pear†¦ (Chapter 13, 43) However, the social complexity of the US, American women control their sexuality and as well, control how they would prefer bringing forth their off springs. Similarly, since Gilead is actively involved in patriarch driven conflicts, most members are either infertile or sterile, it is arguable that men through the subsequent political battles have made their property. As such, subsequent political battles have increased toxic wastes and nuclear fallout, where toxic waste colonies are increased. To hide the truth behind such rituals, the Gilead societies have invoked a biblical ritual called â€Å"The Ceremony.† However, arrogantly, how they conduct their sexual activities is unbecoming. The command penetrates the handmaid exposed sex in an attempt to impregnate a woman. The commander is quoted to have said I’m not talking about sex; he says. That was part of it; the sex was too easy. . . You know what they were complaining about the most (Chapter, 32) This is unbecoming since the woman has been lured to sex. Any sound child born by the handmaid is handled over to the wife of the commander as if the child belonged to the commander’s wife. Such a social setting is very wanting and prompts the question on the role of women in the society. To answer that, American women make independent decisions on how when and where, they want to give birth. American women also make the choice to have sex, when, where and with whom. Nonetheless, despite the complex differences between the Gilead society and the American society, we still notice some similarities. While it is evident that the Gilead society obligates women roles as predominantly domestic, the US society seems to emulate that by assigning women the task of raising children while men are technically exempted from that. Additionally, members you will agree with me that the congress, which happens to be active Christian right is looking for traditional family values. Even though we acknowledge that radical pieces of the Gilead system have not found a way into the American system, it is notable that domestic institutions have secret doctrine women in the Gilead society. A common doctrine is the domestic chore, where the common American woman is made to believe that in order to make a perfect partner, one has to wash the dirt, prepare food, and even entertain a commander called the husband. Men experiences, therefore, are not radical, or in any case equal as those affecting women. It is also disheartening to note that efforts by feminine movements are currently being considered outdated or extremists and are not attracting subsequent influence as they were expected two decades. Efforts to benefit and strengthen the woman counterpart peel away the layers the practice once again set to maintain the domin ant-subordinate relationship. Reference Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid’s Tale. London: Vintage Classic, 2010. Print. Source document

Saturday, November 9, 2019


Systems techniques are tools used in the analysis, design, and documentation of system and subsystem relationships. They are largely graphical (pictorial) in nature.  Systems techniques are used by accountants who do systems work. Documentation includes the following types of tools: Narratives (written descriptions) Flowcharts Diagrams Other written material For this subject, we only need to discuss two (2) of the most common documentation tools: Data flow diagrams Graphical descriptions of the sources and destinations of data. They show: Where data comes from How it flows The processes performed on it Where it goes Include three types: Document flowcharts describe the flow of documents and information between departments or units. System flowcharts describe the relationship between inputs, processing, and outputs for a system. Program flowcharts describe the sequence of logical operations performed in a computer program DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS A data flow diagram (DFD) graphically describes the flow of data within an organization. It is used to: Document existing systems Plan and design new systems There is no black-and-white approach to developing a DFD. Data sources and destinations Appear as squares Represent organizations or individuals that send or receive data used or produced by the system An item can be both a source and a destination Data flows Appear as arrows Represent the flow of data between sources and destinations, processes, and data stores As you probably surmised(GUESS) from the previous slides, if a data flow is two-way, use a bi-directional arrow.If two data elements flow together, then the use of one data flow line is appropriate.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder afflicting Vietnam veterans essays

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder afflicting Vietnam veterans essays Post Traumatic Stress Disorder afflicts a number of vietnam veterans who suffered extremely traumatic, and often consistent, experiences in the vietnam war. Many who do not understand the disorder at all view PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder) as an elaborate diagnosis for a vague set of symptoms that would otherwise be associated with other psycological problems. PTSD wasn't a recognized disorder after the Vietnam war until 1980, when it was included in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic Manual. Every Industrialized society has The Validity of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Affecting Vietnam Veterans had a commonly know concept of "war sickness" or a similar affliction for war veterans, but the development of the Psychiatric proffession allowed for the serious scientific treatment of this type of disorder. In 1980 Congress mandated numerous vet centers aimed at helping all veterans "readjust to society", and these centers have become more and more concerned and innovative in treating PTSD in Vietnam veterans (Mclellan 1). PTSD is by no means a falsely diagnosed pseudo-disorder, and in analyzing accurate persectives (as well as the innaccurate ones) concerning the treatment of PTSD, one can view the disorder in a more truthful and knowledgable light, as a valid affliction that does and has always deserved specific medical attention. In order to understand the nature of PTSD it is necessary to evaluate how the disorder is defined by the psychiatric profession. Commonly accepted symptoms of PTSD are Depression, feelings of isolation, Recurrent nightmares, irrational behavior, poor coping skills and a sense of guilt (Manson 3). Some physical symptoms include hypertension and heart dissease, thyroid and harmonal abnormality, weekend immune system, physical desensitization, and behavioral symptoms such as alcoholism and excessive smoking and drug abuse (3). All of these symptoms are often characteristic of...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Facts and Figures About Plesiosaurus, the Long-Necked Marine Reptile

Facts and Figures About Plesiosaurus, the Long-Necked Marine Reptile As you may already have surmised from its name, Plesiosaurus is the eponymous member of the family of marine reptiles known as plesiosaurs, which were characterized by their sleek bodies, wide flippers, and relatively small heads set at the end of long necks. These Mesozoic reptiles were once famously described as looking like a snake threaded through the shell of a turtle, although it was quickly established that they didnt have shells and were only distantly related to modern testudines. Plesiosaurs were closely related to, but distinct from, pliosaurs, contemporary marine reptiles possessing thicker torsos, shorter necks, and longer heads. The eponymous member of the pliosaur family was – you guessed it  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Pliosaurus. Like all marine reptiles, Plesiosaurus was not technically a dinosaur, having evolved from different antecedents in the reptile family tree. Theres a lot we still dont know about Plesiosaurus, which, like many name brand prehistoric reptiles, is much less well understood than the family to which it gave its name. (For a terrestrial parallel, think of the enigmatic Hadrosaurus and the well-known family of dinosaurs to which it belonged, the hadrosaurs, or duck-billed dinosaurs). Discovered very early in paleontological history by the pioneering English fossil hunter Mary Anning in 1823, Plesiosaurus created a sensation back in the early 19th century. Scientists at the time didnt quite know what to make of this 15-foot-long, 120-million-year-old beast. However, Plesiosaurus wasnt the first marine reptile to be discovered in England; that honor belongs to the distantly related Ichthyosaurus. The Lifestyle of Plesiosaurus Plesiosaurs in general, and Plesiosaurus in particular, werent the most accomplished swimmers, ​since they lacked the hydrodynamic builds of their bigger, meaner and more streamlined cousins, the pliosaurs. To date, its unknown whether Plesiosaurus and its ilk lumbered onto dry land to lay their eggs or gave birth to live young while still swimming (though the latter is the increasingly favored possibility). We do know, however, that plesiosaurs went extinct along with the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, and have not left any living descendants. (Why is this important? Well, many otherwise well-meaning people insist that the putative Loch Ness Monster is actually a plesiosaur that survived extinction!) The heyday of the plesiosaurs and pliosaurs was the middle-to-late Mesozoic Era, especially the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous period; by the end of the Mesozoic Era, these marine reptiles had been widely supplanted by even more vicious mosasaurs, which likewise succumbed to the K/T Extinction 65 million years ago. The big fish/bigger fish template applies throughout evolutionary history; an argument has been made that mosasaurs partly went extinct because of the increasing diversity and dominance of sharks, the best-equipped marine predators yet evolved by Mother Nature. Name: Plesiosaurus (Greek for almost lizard); pronounced PLEH-see-oh-SORE-us Habitat: Oceans worldwide Historical Period: Early-Middle Jurassic (135-120 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 15 feet long and 1,000 pounds Diet: Fish and mollusks Distinguishing Characteristics: Long neck; tapered body; blunt flippers; small head with sharp teeth

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Law - Case Study Example the winner. Since football pools are meant for betting in favor one specific team or player, it comes under the definition of gambling. Section 6 (1) and (2) of the Gambling Act 2005 defines gaming in these words: Hence, the activity offered to Wilson is gambling, and does not come under the fold of sports at all. Consequently, the activity is illegal in the eyes of law and void agreement according to the statutes of Contract Act. There are two types of offer and acceptance to an agreements i.e. Express and Implied. Express offer or acceptance involves words, whether written or oral, and Implied form of agreement is considered on the basis of the performance of an act. Since, the cousin accepted the check from Sam, and did not protest against it, it means that he has accepted the terms and conditions of the offer made by Sam. Consequently, the cousin cannot claim any remedies against it, provided he accepted the terms and conditions of the agreement by receiving the check from the borrower i.e. Sam. Since Maureen could not seek any remedy against her supervisor, she had been under constant threat of sexual harassment, she could not get any solid or effective remedy against the harassment, she had to seek legal remedy from the court of law Since the management of Cameo Industries has established some rules within its workplace, they must have implemented these rules for the security and welfare of the staff members on the one hand, and for the growth and discipline of the organization on the other. The employment law, Lester (2001) argues, can and should play an important role in providing feasible ways for families to balance the conflicting demands of work and care-giving obligations, particularly as women continue to seek full participation in the workforce. Though the company had no powers to announce legal penalty to the

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Registerd nurse interview analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Registerd nurse interview analysis - Essay Example She said that this was tough when her children were still young because they rarely see each other due to her schedule. Sometimes, she cannot be with them on holidays because of her work. She said that she does not regard patients as difficult. Sometimes they can be demanding and grumpy but as a nurse, she has to understand the situation of the patient that they just want to feel better. The resource person narrated that nursing is not just an eight to five job where you punch in and get paid. It is a profession as well as a vocation because the job affects people’s lives. To be successful in this profession, one has to be genuinely concerned with people. A nurse has to understand that patients are already in pain and the least the nurse can do is to alleviate and make the pain bearable to the patient. Nurses also work long hours and they do not follow the Monday to Friday work routine nor the eight to five schedule. It is because illness do not follow schedule and hospitals are open throughout the year. There are also emergency cases where a nurse has to work

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Multiple topics outlined Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Multiple topics outlined - Essay Example Another approach of usability design or experience design needs a mental attitude and it is commonly known as subjective, post-positivist and experientialist approach. The author focused on the dichotomy of objective and subjective approaches. The book is basically about the emotional designs. This is the fourth book by Norman on the topic about everyday things. The other three books are not related to the theme of this book, but all these are only used to understand the feelings of the author. The book contains the chapter on â€Å"Personal Reflections†; this is called the refresher of book. Cognition is rutted concept with related to emotions. The manifestation of two in the functionality or behavior describes the good product that means the good design of the product with including the effectiveness of the product as well. According to the previous concepts of Norman’s focus was on usability and the behavioral manifestation, and his new changed concepts presented in this book are related to the effectiveness of the product rather than the design. The brief description about three main characteristics of the effective, behavioral and cognitive components are presented here in the paper. Three different aspects related to the design of the product are shown here. The three aspects of products design are named as visceral design, behavioral design and the cognitive or reflective design. The visceral design is about the outer most appearance of the product. This may be in the type of sight, sound, smell or feel etc. The immediate and effective response, emotions about the designed product is the core of this aspect of design. The behavioral aspect is about the pleasure and effectiveness of use. The response from visceral aspect is very important for behavioral aspect. The bad or geed response reflects the performance of the product. The

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Execution Of Maintenance Work Construction Essay

The Execution Of Maintenance Work Construction Essay Building maintenance is synonym with the building. Building maintenance will be start after the construction of the building is fully completed. After the completion, most of the building need to be maintained because that will be use the building for the long term and maintenance also is implement is to provide and ensure the condition of the building is in a good condition and give comfortable to the users of the building. The building condition in terms of the design, materials, facilities, painting, cleaning and so on in the future either in a good condition, maintain without any changes or the building become worse or not well maintain will depend on the maintenance management. In order to ensure the building in a good maintenance, the organizing maintenance work is an important part in the maintenance of the building. The purpose of the organizing maintenance work is to examine how the maintenance works are organizes in order to maintain the building in a good organizing mainte nance. Therefore, these study presents the results of the ways in organizing maintenance work. INTRODUCTION Building maintenance normally regarded as the Cinderella of the building industry. The maintenance of the built environment affects everyone continually, for it is on the state of our homes, offices and factories that we depend not only for our comfort but also for our economic survival. Maintenance of the building will start from the day the builders and contractors leaves the site of the construction or after the construction is fully completed. Normally, all the building owners wants their building will keep the maintenance to a minimum cost and need the maintenance in a good and effective maintenance. In order to get the effectiveness of the maintenance, organizing maintenance work is required for the maintenance. Organizing is the managerial function of arranging people and resources to work toward a goal. The purposes of organizing include but are not limited to determining the tasks to perform in order to achieve objectives, dividing tasks into specific jobs, grouping job into departments, specifying reporting and authority relationships, delegating the authority necessary for task accomplishment, and allocating and deploying resources in a coordinated fashion (Anton, 2010). As a word, organization can mean an organization that is the process of getting something organized. Different organization will organize building maintenance differently. For example, two different local authorities will not organize their building maintenance work in the same way unless two different organization of the building maintenance will organized the building maintenance work in the same way is if they outsourced the provision of the service to the same company of the outsource contractors (Wood, 2009). British Standard Institution (1964) defines maintenance as work undertaken in order to keep or restore every facility such as every part of a site, building and contents, to an acceptable standard. The British Standard further explain that where there are statutory requirements for maintenance, the acceptable standard must be no less than that necessary to meet the statutory requirements (Seeley, 1976). Maintenance is also defined as any activity such as cleaning, painting and minor repair carried out systematically, on a planned cycle and based on regular inspection (Dann Timothy, 2007). It can conclude that organizing maintenance work is to examine how work will organized to best effect. Consideration will give particularly to the place of statutory control and guidance and the involvement of contractors. The value of the supervision and inspection will explore. The overall aim is to expose methods that are most likely to achieve the desired end-result of satisfactory buildings in which to live, work and play. ORGANIZING MAINTENANCE WORK MAINTENANCE PLANNING The Pocket Oxford Dictionary defines a plan as a method or procedure for doing something on the design, scheme, or intention. In term of building maintenance management, maintenance planning has both a narrow and wide definition. The narrow definition relate to preventive maintenance in the form of planned maintenance programmed. While, wide definition maintenance planning as an essential management tool for controlling all aspects of a building maintenance management operation and will include planned preventive maintenance programmed, planned levels of expenditure on day-to-day and reactive maintenance, disaster planning, and planned strategies of asset management in conjunction with a business plan or corporate plan (Wordsworth, Planned Inspections, 2001). The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyorsà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ Guidance Note on Planned Building Maintenance defines the maintenance planning under five categories that are determining the policy for maintenance, deciding and preparing maintenance programmes and obtaining funds for them, getting the work done, controlling progress of work and budget expenditure, and monitoring the effectiveness of the programme (Wordsworth, Planned Inspections, 2001). The nature of the maintenance planning in the building maintenance involves determining systems and sequences of operation. This noted that maintenance planning must necessarily involve a level of prediction. The prediction is not only focus on the building stock and the deterioration, but also focus on the future policy of the owners or users of the buildings. The maintenance manager or maintenance department can deal with these uncertainties with a twofold oncoming, which are by collecting and analyzing sufficient information to place as much degree of certainty on the variables as possible and by recognizing that a level of uncertainty will remain and introducing flexibility and review options within the plan (Wordsworth, Planned Inspections, 2001). The collection of the information is to assist the maintenance manager to predict with some degree of confidence will be in the form of condition surveys of the property, details of costs and cost trends in building, and information re lated to the wider policies of the owners and users of the building. Care in such information gathering will enable the maintenance manager or the person who responsible for the maintenance of the building to reduce the uncertainty and permit effective planning to proceed (Wordsworth, Planned Inspections, 2001). In planning maintenance, an aim of the maintenance manager is to match the available resources with the workload. The effectiveness planning is difficult with this category of work because of the large number of uncertain factors involved. In view of the uncertainties, maintenance planning must be formulated at different levels and constantly revised according to the new information that is put into the system. Long-term programmes medium-term programmes and the short-term programmes were identified as a level of the maintenance planning (Seeley, 1976). SUPERVISION OF MAINTENANCE WORK Supervision is a management activity carried out to ensure that the work as in a plan will carry out correctly and expeditiously as what in the maintenance planning (Wood, 2009). Furthermore, the supervision of maintenance work was executed is to ensure that is of a satisfactory standard and in accordance with the drawings and specification. With the larger contracts, it is customary to employ a clerk of work who is constantly in touch with the job in order to supervise the maintenance work. Besides that, the clerk of work also is responsible to ensure that the maintenance is work as a planning. However, with the smaller contracts or smaller jobs periodic supervision only can be obtained often through the medium of architects, surveyors, inspectors or other supervisory staff (Seeley, 1976). Clerk of work must have an extensive practical knowledge of building materials, principles of construction and the execution of techniques in all trades. As a supervisor in the maintenance work, they need to ensure that all the materials and workmanship are in accordance with the drawings, specification and any other relevant documents. Furthermore, the clerk of work must to avoid their self from making any exorbitant demands or altering details or materials without getting the approval from the architect, surveyor or maintenance manager to whom he is responsible (Seeley, 1976). Besides that, the clerk of work will also responsible to prepare reports for consideration by the architect, surveyor, or maintenance manager. The preparation of the reports might be in the term of weekly, periodic or special reports (Seeley, 1976). Site meeting is also one of the supervision of maintenance work. This is one of the way to organizing maintenance work. Site meetings will hold regularly on larger jobs and are generally convened by the architect, surveyor, maintenance manager or any person who responsible for the supervision of maintenance work. The main objective of the site meetings is to ensure that satisfactory progress is maintained and to provide the opportunity for clearing outstanding points. Supervision of maintenance work is important for the all parties to get involves in the site meeting including subcontractors (Seeley, 1976). Adequate supervision of work to the new construction and of alteration and repair work need as one of the way in the organizing maintenance to ensure that the materials and workmanship comply with the contract particulars and relevant statutory requirements. In the absence of such strict supervision in the maintenance progress, inferior materials, poor workmanship and the omission of important details can occur resulting in subsequent trouble and expense to the building owner (Seeley, 1976). PLANNED INSPECTIONS A planned inspection is a formal systematic check carried out at predefined regular intervals against a detailed list of plant, equipment and activities. According to the Baiche, Walliman and Ogden (2006) work needs to check regularly to ensure compliance with legislative requirements (Wood, 2009). The purpose of the planned inspections is been carried out is to ensure the systematic examinations of all locations, facilities, tools, plants, materials and to observe how these are used by employees and contractors. By carrying out the planned inspections and through taking follow up action on any defects or unsafe working practices noted the maintenance manager or the person who responsible to maintain the building. Critically, planned inspections can effectively contribute to the provision of the safe working environment and reduce the risk of injury to persons, damage to equipment, buildings and to the environment. Furthermore, planned inspections are carrying out for a variety purpo ses including preparation a schedule of the facilities that need to maintain and their present condition, detecting misappropriation from predetermined standards and incipient faults that may result in such deviations developing before the next inspections. Other purposes are ascertaining the cause of the misappropriations, the extent of the remedial work necessary to restore to the required standard and prevent a recurrence of the defect, and the relative urgency of the work. Checking that previous work was done in accordance with the instructions and that the work specified was adequate also is a purposes and the reason why the planned inspections is required to carrying out in the organizing maintenance work (Wordsworth, 2001). The complicated design of the buildings and the great variety of the possible defects makes it necessary fully preplan the inspections and to provide comprehensive checklists to ensure that no part of the building is missed from the inspections. Appropriate criteria also should be laid down for each element, components, or equipments and the types of the inspections needed fully defined and documented. Planned inspections also include details of the form of the inspections (Wordsworth, 2001). For a greater consistency in organizing the maintenance work, special program macros should be prepared for each element and sub element, setting down the essential information required by the inspector with space to record the result and the recommendation of the inspections. For the later processing, a location code is required to assists and gives some information. To facilitate retrieval and computer processing of inspections, the facilities and elements should be grouped according to the lo cation and the periodicity of the inspections (Wordsworth, 2001). EXECUTION OF MAINTENANCE WORK Building maintenance is not a single industry and it can undertake by the outsource labor such as contractors, direct labor that is the in-house maintenance department of the building or combination of direct and outsource labor will maintain the building by own. The decision in choosing the labor either direct or outsource of the maintenance labor will depends on the number of criteria. The criteria is might be in terms of the design of the building, materials of the equipment, size of the building, number of the staff and so on. The structures of the maintenance organizations will examine together with programming and operational activities. Finally, the training of maintenance staff and the operation of incentive schemes are considered. Direct, outsource or contract, or combination of the both labor of the maintenance also one of the way in organizing maintenance work. The decision in choosing the type of the execution of maintenance work should compare the costs and services provided by contractors with the own directly employed labor forced, taking into account the availability of labor and the type and the location of the buildings that need to maintain (Seeley, 1976). Direct Labor Most public bodies have directly employed staff of their own specifically available to undertake building maintenance work compared to the private organizations. These may range from general, multi-skilled, or unskilled, handyman or repair person to a team of operatives with a range of skills. Direct labor usually provide a 24/7 service, or maybe the work from Monday to Friday (Wood, 2009). These individual normally known as a direct labor because the staff employed to execute the maintenance work directly employed as part of the client organization (Wood, 2009). The advantages of direct labor in organizing maintenance work are direct labor allows full control of activities of the maintenance. This type of the execution also should ensure good standard of workmanship by craft operatives who enjoy continuity of employment but recruitment may be a problem. Maintenance manager also can introduce and operate incentives scheme by using the direct labor in their organizing maintenance work. Last but not least, the advantages of the direct labor is particularly well situated for execution of emergency repairs as labor force is familiar with location of switches, manholes, operational services and services requiring particular or unusual skills for which employees can be trained (Seeley, 1976). On the other hand, the establishment of the direct labor maintenance force will require the provision and administration of supporting facilities such as stores, workshops, and transport. Besides that, a high standard supervision also required in order to ensure the quality of the maintenance services and the productivity of the services. Then, the experienced and efficient management also required in order providing effective labor relations and communications. Accounting procedures of direct labor organizations vary considerably and some rationalization would facilitate statistical analysis to general advantage. Nevertheless, direct labor has no debts, no costs of tendering in competition. However, on the other hand, often has a high rate of sickness and its higher ratio of staffs to operatives may exceed the contractorà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s profit element (Seeley, 1976). Outsource or Contract Labor Outsource or contract labor play an important role in maintenance work for keep the building in repair and maintain, and for the larger periodic works. Maintenance of lifts, swimming pools, fire extinguisher and other sophisticated plant mostly required special outsource or contract labor to execute the maintenance work (Seeley, 1976). Outsource or contracts labor will engage and employ when the maintenance work requires a particular skill, experience, or qualification. Furthermore, outsource or contract labors are contracted when the maintenance work cannot be entrusted to an unskilled person as the job or its outcome would be dangerous, potentially destructive or otherwise unacceptable, if not done correctly (Wood, 2009). Most of the construction work including repair and refurbishment will carry out by outsource or contract labor either as small firms or self-employed individuals (Wood, 2009). The advantages by employ outsource or contract labors are they are more professional in the attitude and skills due to expert in the field. Besides that, contract labor also more expose to the new technology skills and knowledge. Contract labor will equip with computer hardware and software packages. Furthermore, reduce the work on the maintenance work. This is because, by employ the contract labor, maintenance manager will not force to the staff and materials to be used in the maintenance work. Finally, it can conclude that it may preferable to confine direct labor to little more than emergency and schedules maintenance, and to use contractors for the seasonal, major and specialist work, although many efficient direct labor organizations would quarrel with this approach. Contractors need long term contracts to give the employer good service on advantageous term. CONCLUSION Building maintenance work is most important thing after the builders leave the site of the construction. The maintenance work is required to keep and maintain the building in a good condition, under control and supervision. The maintenance is not only for the users and for owner comfort but it is also for the economic survival. However, the effectiveness and the quality of the maintenance is depends on the organization of the maintenance in the building to organize the maintenance to best effect. Different organization will organize maintenance work differently unless the different organization will transfer the responsibility of the maintaining the building to the same contract labor of maintenance. Maintenance manager is the person who responsible in organizing maintenance works to best effect to ensure that the building is under the effective maintenance. Maintenance manager also must consider and implement the best way and approach in organizing the maintenance work. This study shows that maintenance planning, supervision maintenance work, planned inspections and execution maintenance work is a best approach to be used in organizing maintenance work by the maintenance manager. It can conclude that, organizing maintenance work will best effect by organize with the maintenance planning, supervision maintenance work, planned inspections and execution maintenance work. Organizing maintenance work will more proper, well organized and more effective and efficient by having the maintenance planning that is the maintenance manager can prepare the plan in long-term, medium-term and short-term levels of planning. Furthermore, supervision also can supervise the maintenance work during the progress. Then, the planned inspections can assist the maintenance manager to recognize the problems on that building. Lastly, execution maintenance work can assists the organization of maintenance building in order to keep and maintain the building more effective and organize by separated and grouping the tasks between direct and contract labor of maintenance.

Friday, October 25, 2019

On the Obligation to Keep One’s Promises Essay -- Essays Papers

On the Obligation to Keep One’s Promises Moral philosophy is generally in pursuit of the â€Å"ought.† More specifically, a common goal is to create some sort of rubric for evaluating specific situations, and in the face of a decision, revealing what â€Å"ought to be done.† A very important and consequently complicated â€Å"ought† is that which dictates if one should keep a promise. This topic is so vast that is seems it would take a great deal of effort to make progress towards an answer, and in fact, there have been volumes of philosophy written about this very subject matter. Two 18th-century moral philosophers who tackled this mammoth rather successfully are Immanuel Kant and David Hume. The backbone of Kant’s moral philosophy is what he calls the â€Å"categorical imperative.† In the Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant uses the preface and the first section to introduce and develop the idea, and then in the second section finally states it for the first time: â€Å"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.† (Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, pg30)1. The â€Å"maxim† Kant speaks of is simply the motive behind the act, and a â€Å"universal law† is one that is a priori, namely, â€Å"a [law] of thought in general without regard to difference of its objects.† (Grounding, pg1). The categorical imperative states that an act should only be preformed if the motive driving the action could become a universal law, and therefore could be applied always regardless of the specifics of a situation. It should seem obvious now that th e categorical imperative is directly related to the question of whether one should or should not keep a promise. In... ...ames. W. Ellington translation. The page citations follow the pages in that edition (see Sources). 2 This quote, and all other quotes from David Hume’s Treatise of Human Nature comes from the second edition of the Oxford text. The page citations follow the pages in that edition (see Sources). Sources Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. London: Penguin Books, 1995. Hume, David. A Treatise of Human Nature. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978. Kant, Immanuel. Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals (Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten). Translated by James W. Ellington. Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1993. Kant, Immanuel. â€Å"On the Supposed Right to Lie because of Philanthropic Concerns† (â€Å"Uber ein vermeintes Recht aus Menschenliebe zu lugen†). Translated by James W. Ellington. Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1993.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Price Elasticity of Demand

The demand for corn as an ingredient for an alternative energy source has had a profound effect on its supply as a core food ingredient. So, what has been the effect on the supply of corn and its substitute such as the soybean? The answer can be found by examining the five demand determinants and five supply determinants to see which ones will shift demand and supply. The demand determinants are known as T-I-P-E-N, which stands for Taste of preference, Income, Price of complements and substitutes, Expectation of consumer, and Number of buyers in the market. The supply determinants are known as P-R-E-S-T, which stands for Producers (number of), Resource price, Expectation of business, Subsidies and taxes, and Technology. The farming industry has had to ramp up production of corn to satisfy the demand that was caused by the increase in the number of buyers. More buyers will generate more income, so most likely farmland will be used to produce more corn. The determinants of Number of buyers and Income are responsible for this demand shift. The land available for soybean crops will decrease, resulting in a reduction of supply. This supply shift is the result of Producers (number of). What will the effect of these shifts have on the price of corn oil? As the production of corn used for energy alternatives is increased, the available production for other corn products such as corn oil will obviously decrease. Less production will mean a decrease in corn oil supply. Because of a consistent demand for the product, the price will increase due to the lower supply. The demand determinant of Expectation and the supply determinant of Producers (number of) will govern this shift. The only way to modify the shift and keep prices from increasing would be to develop the supply determinant of Technology to overcome the decreased production capacity. In what way does the price elasticity of demand for corn oil influence the quantity-demanded of corn oil and the Total Revenue earned by sellers of corn oil? The answers can be found by referring to the characteristics of a typical demand curve. Price and quantity demanded move in opposite directions. When the quantity demanded falls, the price of a commodity such as corn oil will rise. When the quantity demanded increases, the price of the commodity will fall. The total revenue of sellers of corn oil will increase and decrease in correlation with the quantity demanded due to the supply determinant of Resource price and the demand determinant of Number of buyers. With the information presented thus far, it is interesting to note that a unique shift in the corn and corn substitute market will be occurring in the near future. According to a Bloomberg Businessweek article (McFeron, May 2011) the inventories of produced corn and soybean for this year will be much larger than expected. Therefore, the prices will fall as concerns of the public are eased. This is the shift of the demand determinant Expectation of consumer. Soybean inventories are also much larger for the coming year than expected. References McFeron, Whitney, (May 11, 2011) Bloomberg Businessweek,   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Corn, Wheat, Soybeans Drop as USDA Supply Outlook Tops Forecasts†, retrieved from: Price Elasticity of Demand Price Elasticity of Demand is used to measure the responsiveness of the quantity demanded to the change in price. It is measured by the percentage of change in quantity over the percent change in price [% ? in quantity demanded/ % ? in price]. Price elasticity of demand (PED) does not have any units as all the units cancel out while calculating it. Also,  ¦PED ¦ is usually negative because the value of quantity demanded will always be inverse to its price (i. e. when price gets high, quantity demanded decreases and vice versa).This is also a reason why  ¦PED ¦ is written as an absolute value. When the value of PED is more than 1, it is a relatively more elastic demand, when equals to 1, it is unit elastic and when less than 1, the demand becomes inelastic. The slope of a demand curve cannot indicate the PED because the slope and elasticity are two different concepts. Slope measures the steepness and flatness of the curve and give units of price and quantity at a point. On the other hand price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity to the changes in price.In a demand curve, the slope decreases by a constant unit while In PED, elasticity is different at each point. As shown in the picture above, PED changes at every point. At the change in quantity from 2. 5 to 3, and change in price from 15 to 14, the PED is  ¦2. 64 ¦ while at the change in quantity from 7 to 7. 5, and change in price from 6 to 5, the PED is  ¦0. 38 ¦. On the other hand, while seeing the slope of the line, it is changing by 2 units throughout.This shows that while the slope remains constant, the elasticity keeps varying on the curve. This is also one of the reasons that elasticity is relatively more elastic on the upper portion of the demand curve compared to the lower portion of the curve which gradually gets perfectly inelastic when the demand curve intersects the horizontal axis. Thus, the frequent change in elasticity at every point and the slope being c onstant determines that the slope of the demand curve cannot indicate Price Elasticity of Demand.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Final Exam Solution Essay

1) Two information systems that support the entire organization are BIS 220 final exam question 2) _______ is the direct use of information systems by employees in their work 3) ______ attempt to duplicate the work of human experts by applying reasoning capabilities 4) ______ issues involve who may obtain information and how much they should pay for this information Bis 220 final exam 5) _____ issues involve collecting, storing, and disseminating information about individuals. 6) Your company’s computers have been taken over by an attacker and used to attack another organization’s information systems. Your problem is which of the following? 7) You are the only person in your office to upgrade to Microsoft ® Word 2010. Before you share documents with coworkers, you should do which of the following? 8) Which of the following is detected by the contextual spelling checker? 9) If your cursor is near the bottom of a page and you want to display the next paragraph you type at the top of a new page, you should use which of  the following? 10) Your ______ is the collection of traceable data that is captured when you use various information technologies such as credit cards or the Internet 11) No alphabetic characters in a social security number field is an example of 12) In a database, the primary key field is used to 13) Search engines and metasearch engines are examples of which network application? 14) ______ portals coordinate content within relatively narrow organizational and partners’ communities 15) Workflow, groupware, and telepresence systems are examples of which network application? 16) Which type of e-commerce does an organization provide information and services to its workers? 17) _______ auctions are the most common auction model for large purchases. 18) ______ collect data from many points over an extended space. 19) Which type of satellite has the largest footprint? 20) Which of the following is the most appropriate wireless networking standard for creating personal area networks? 21) If cell D15 contains the formula =$C$5*D15, what is the D15 in the formula? 22) What should you do if you see a column of pound signs (###) instead of  values or results of formulas? 23) ______ feasibility determines if the project is an acceptable financial risk and if the organization can afford the expense and time needed to complete the project 24) In the traditional systems development life cycle, users 25) To create a Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation based on an installed template, click the 26) Which of the following demotes a bullet point from the first level to the second level in Outline view in Microsoft ® PowerPoint ®? 27) ________ connects parts of the intranets of different organizations and allows secure communications among business partners 28) ______ is a system with universally accepted standards for storing, retrieving, formatting, and displaying information via a client/server architecture 29) A process that allows users to place information in multiple, overlapping associations is called 30) ________ are websites that provide collections of content from all over the World Wide Web